Page 125 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 125
םדא תועיקתה רדס - ב “ מק ללכ ייח
לָּּכ לַע ַעֹק ְּתִל אָּני ִד ִמּו .תֹורָּפֹו ׁשְּלּו תֹונֹור ְּכִזְּלּו תֹוּיֻכְּל ַמְּל ןי ִע ְּקֹו ּתש ֶ ׁ 1 1 ,ןי ִפ ָּסּו ּמ ַה
הָּכ ָּר ְּב לָּּכ לַע ַעֹק ְּתִל ּונָּל הָּי ָּה הָּעּור ְּתַּב ּוק ְּּפ ַּת ְּסִנ ֶ ׁש קֵפ ָּּס ַה י ִפְּלּו .ת" ַר ַּת הָּכ ָּר ְּב
תָּצ ְּק ִמ ְּב ןיִגֲהֹונ ןֵכ ְּו ,ת ַח ַא ם ַעַ ּפ ת"רת ְּו ת ַח ַא ם ַעַ ּפ ת" ַ ׁש ַת ְּו ת ַח ַא ם ַעַ ּפ ת" ַר ְּ ׁש ַּת
,ב ָּ ּ ׁשֻי ְּמ ִד תֹועי ִק ְּת ןי ִא ָּר ְּקִנ ם ֵה ְּו ,ף ָּסּומ ם ֶדֹק ַעֹק ְּתִל ל"ַז ֲח ּונ ְּּ ק ִת ֶ ׁש ןָּויֵּכ ךא ַ 11 .תֹומֹוק ְּמ
בֵּב ְּר ַעְּל ,ןֵּכ ּונ ְּּ ק ִת ֶ ׁש ם ַע ַּטהו ַ ְּ 12 .הָּּ ל ִפ ְּתַּב ןי ִד ְּמֹוע אל ְּו ןי ִב ְּ ׁשֹוי ל ָּה ָּּ ק ַה ןִי ַדֲע ֶ ׁש ר ַמֹול הָּצ ָּר
לֹו ּ קמ ִ 1 3 ל ֵהַּב ְּת ִמ ן ָּט ָּ ּש ַה ֶ ׁש ,ן ֶהי ֵתֹועי ִק ְּת ִבּו םי ִפָּסּו ּמ ַה תַּ ל ִפ ְּת ִב ג ֵר ְּט ַקְּי אּ ֶ ׁש ן ָּט ָּ ּש ַה
םדו רשב
set. Therefore, he recommends blowing tekiah tekiah-shevarim-tekiah three times after
-shevaim-teruah-tekiah after each of the three zichronos, and tekiah-teruah-tekiah three
berachos, pausing between the shevarim and times after shofaros). See the Biur HaGra who
the teruah. (See above note 20 for further explains that this was instituted out of
discussion of this.) This way, he will have deference to the opinion of Rabeinu Yoel (see
sounded every possible definition of a teruah: above, note 41) who maintained that any
If only shevarim or teruah is correct, he has foreign sound will invalidate all previous sets
blown them. The fact that the other sound as well. This way, he will have definitely blown
interrupts is inconsequential at least b’dieved, three sets during musaf, although then all
and since the shofar was already sounded three were after one single beracha.
after krias ha’Torah, we don’t need to be Although the Rema testifies that the custom
concerned about a possible interruption. The is to follow Rabeinu Tam and blow tekiah-
only other possible definition of teruah is the shevarim-teruah-tekiah once for each of the
shevarim-teruah combination, which Rabeinu three berachos, the prevalent custom is to
Tam himself maintains should be separated by follow the Shelah’s advice to follow the Aruch
a breath, anyway. (see first paragraph) and blow all three
The Shulchan Aruch however writes that combinations one time after each of the three
one should blow tekiah-shevarim-teruah- berachos. A congregation whose custom is like
tekiah after malchuyos, tekiah-shevarim-tekiah the Rema should not abandon it and continue
after zichronos, and tekiah-teruah-tekiah after to blow only one set of tekiah-shevarim-
shofaros, perhaps in order to demonstrate that teruah-tekiah at the conclusion of each
every definition of teruah is correct (in beracha. (Pri Megadim, Mishna Berura)
following with the opinion of Rav Hai Gaon).
The Shulchan Aruch however concludes that 52. There is also a greater obligation to
the prevailing custom is to repeat each set stand for the tekiahs of musaf than when
three times (i.e. blowing tekiah-shevarim- hearing the ones before, although one should
teruah-tekiah three times after malchuyos, stand for both.