Page 120 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 120
Chayei Adam - K’lal 142 - The Order of the Tekiahs
even if one finished [blowing] the teruah and then realized that he only blew two
shevarim, he doesn’t need to repeat the first tekiah since in the order of tekiah-
shevarim-teruah-tekiah, both the shevarim and the teruah are considered [part of
the] teruah. [Therefore,] he hasn’t interrupted with a foreign sound. [Rather,] since
he began blowing shevarim, it is like one who blows and the sound doesn’t come
out right and he doesn’t lose the tekiah, but rather should blow shevarim-
teruah. If however, he didn’t begin blowing the shevarim at all but rather began
with a teruah, [he forfeits the set.] Although it is all considered the teruah, since
he blew the teruah before the shevarim, this is not considered part of the teruah
of this set as people don’t sob before they moan. Therefore, he forfeits the first
tekiah as well.
]14[ This is only true when blowing tekiah-shevarim-teruah-tekiah. However,
when blowing tekiah-shevarim-tekiah if one began blowing a teruah in the
םדו רשב
are stringent in that which the Rosh writes, mitzva, there is no prohibition.
as cited by the Magen Avraham 590:7, and See above, siman 11 & 12 and
whatever we blow because of a doubt is not corresponding notes where we have explained
rabbinically prohibited. Furthermore, the all of this at length. In order to better
Gra writes that even the Shulchan Aruch understand the Chayei Adam’s note here, let
rules that the three shevarim must be us recap: In Magentza, the baal tokeah blew
blown in a single breath, and this is even two shevarim in the third set of tekiah-
b’dieved. Although he disagrees with the shevarim-teruah-tekiah and he was instructed
Rosh, it appears to me that one who is to start all over. The Raavan agreed, but ruled
stringent has nothing to lose since there is that they only needed to blow one set, and
no concern of prohibition for since the Rosh not three, but the Rosh disagreed, explaining
writes that they depend on each other, and that since the shevarim and teruah sounds are
although blowing for no reason is all part of this set, it is not considered a
rabbinically prohibited as the Chacham different sound and he need not repeat the
Tzvi (35) writes in attack of the Taz, preceding tekiah. The Rabeinu Yoel further
nevertheless, if there is a doubt, it appears contends that if he didn’t complete the
to me that there is certainly no prohibition interrupting teruah, he can simply add the
for the acharonim write that one should missing shever. Based on this, the Shulchan
blow one hundred blasts, and we must say Aruch rules that if after blowing two shevarim,
that since it is done for the sake of the one began sounding the teruah, he should