Page 124 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 124

Chayei Adam - K’lal 142 - The Order  of the Tekiahs

              the  chazan  repeats  shemoneh  esrei,   when  we  blow  shofar  for  [each  of]
              malchuyos, zichronos, and shofaros. Technically, one only needs to blow a tekiah-
              teruah-tekiah  for  each  beracha.  [However,]  because  of  the  doubt  as  to  how  to
              define a teruah, for each beracha we should blow tekiah-shevarim-teruah-tekiah
              once, tekiah-shevarim-tekiah once, and tekiah-teruah-tekiah once, and this is in
              fact the custom in some places.  However, Chazal mandated that we blow shofar
              before  musaf,  which  are  referred  to  as  the  tekiahs  d’meyushav  (sitting  tekiahs)
              since the congregation is still sitting and not yet standing in prayer.  The reason
              they enacted that we do this is in order to confuse the Satan so that he shouldn’t

              prosecute when we daven musaf and blow then. [This is accomplished] because

                                                       םדו רשב
              50.    The  Magen  Avraham  quotes  the      blow  a  single  set  of    tekiah-shevarim-teruah-
              Kneses  Hagedolah  as  opposing  those  who   tekiah after the beracha of malchuyos, a set of
              blow  shofar  during  the  silent  shemoneh  esrei   tekiah-shevarim-tekiah  after  zichronos,  and
              as  this  disturbs  people’s  concentration.   one set of tekiah-teruah-tekiah  after shofaros.
              However, others encourage it and it is in fact   Although  then,  he  might  be  technically  be
              the  custom  of  most  Sefardim  and  chasidim   blowing  the  wrong  definition  of  a  teruah  for
              that one appointed individual blows the shofar   two  of  the  three  berachos,  the  Beis  Yosef
              during  the  silent  shemoneh  esrei.  Each   suggests  two  possible  explanations:    (a)  This
              congregation  should  follow  its  own  custom.    custom  follows  with  the  opinion  that  the
              Even  those  who  have  the  custom  to  blow   Torah  only  requires  a  single  set  of  tekiah-
              shofar  during  the  silent  shemoneh  esrei  only   teruah-tekiah  and that the other two sets are
              do so when davening with a minyan, but not if   by  rabbinic  decree.  Accordingly,  only  can  be
              davening alone (Tur)   since he lacks the merit   lenient.  This  is  especially  true  since  three  of
              of the tzibur (Aruch Hashulchan).            every set was  already sounded before  musaf;
                                                           or (b) See above (note 6)  that  Rav  Hai  Gaon
              51.    The Tur writes that ideally, one should   and many rishonim understand that by Torah
              have to blow one set of each combination (i.e.   law all three definitions of teruah are correct.
              all  of:  tekiah-shevarim-teruah-tekiah,  tekiah-  Therefore, we can be lenient with the  tekiahs
              shevarim-tekiah,   and  tekiah-teruah-tekiah)   during musaf.
              after  each  of  the  three  middle  berachos  of       Rabeinu  Tam  however  disagrees  with  this
              musaf,  since  in  this  way,  he  will  be  sure  to   approach and contends that since we view the
              have blown one proper set after each beracha.   various combinations as the fulfillment of the
              Although  this  custom  is  cited  by  the  Aruch,   Torah’s command  to blow a  teruah,  it comes
              most rishonim record that the custom was to   out that we are possibly only blowing a single

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