Page 126 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 126
Chayei Adam - K’lal 142 - The Order of the Tekiahs
the Satan becomes confused when he hears the sound of the shofar and
remembers that in future times Hashem “will blow the great shofar” and Hashem
will remove [the Satan] from the world as it says “He will eliminate death
forever”. Even though [these blasts] are only to confuse the Satan, they must be
sounded properly, in fulfillment of all of their rules and regulations as we have
explained. This is especially true, since we recite the beracha over
them. Therefore, since we have already fulfilled our obligation with these blasts,
both those which are mandated by the Torah and those rabbinically enacted due
to our doubts, Chazal didn’t want to trouble the tzibur further and therefore only
mandated that we blow one set after each beracha as prescribed by the Torah
without concern to fulfill every possibility. They also were not concerned about
interrupting between the blasts, provided that everything is blown in the order
they mandated. However, not all places have the same custom and some blow
tekiah-shevaim-teruah-tekiah after each beracha. This is our custom, because one
certainly fulfills his obligation as mandated by the Torah, because if teruah is
defined as both [shevarim and teruah] he has blown both and if it is either
shevarim or teruah [alone] he has blown it. The only remaining concern is that
perhaps it is only shevarim and the teruah interrupts between the shevarim and
the tekiah, or perhaps it is only teruah and the shevarim interrupts between the
tekiah and the teruah. [Yet, Chazal] were not concerned about this in order not to
trouble the tzibur. Nevertheless, if one interrupts with a different sound as
above in siman 13 and 14, it will indeed invalidate [the set] here as well.
]18[ We have already written [above] in siman 9 that our custom is to blow the
shevarim-teruah during musaf in two breaths. The reason for this is that during
םדו רשב
53. Rosh Hashana 16b. The commentaries 55. Yeshaya 25:8
take various approaches in explaining and
elaborating on how and why this confuses the 56. Although the later sounding of the
Satan and what this means. See note 49 shofar is primary, we fulfill our basic obligation
above. with the initial blasts of the shofar before
musaf. It is for this reason that we recite the
54. Yeshaya 27:23 beracha then and must treat them as such