Page 116 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 116
Chayei Adam - K’lal 142 - The Order of the Tekiahs
one who hears [the shofar] and the ba’al toke’ah [himself], and although one only
hears and doesn’t do any action, it is nevertheless invalid. [However] a foreign
blast can only interfere with that set, but one set does not interfere with the
others, and so even if one blew or heard tekiah-teruah-tekiah, or tekiah-shevarim-
tekiah and then afterwards [heard] tekiah-shevarim-teruah-tekiah, he fulfills his
obligation, as is the case with other scenarios. Moreover, even if he heard tekiah
-shevarim-teruah-tekiah once or twice and then afterwards hears tekiah-shevarim
-tekiah etc, he only needs to blow tekiah-shevarim-teruah-tekiah once or twice
more, because this does not interfere. Furthermore, technically, one doesn’t need
to blow the shofar during musaf more than a single order, once, as below. 34
]12[ Since one must be careful not to blow or hear a foreign sound which is
not relevant to the current set [being blown], therefore, if one was supposed to
blow tekiah-shevarim-teruah-tekiah and blew the teruah before the shevarim, or
םדו רשב
begin again from the beginning of that set, 32. Chayei Adam’s note: See Magen
the Magen Avraham disagrees. He argues that Avraham 588:3 who writes that this is clear
according to the Ran and Rabeinu Tam we are from the words of the Ran, and this is also
not concerned with an interruption b’dieved. חי clear from the Magen Avraham 590:10
Moreover, even those who disagree, it should The Levush writes that if the baal tokei’a
only be considered an interruption if it was blew tekiah-teruah-teruah-tekiah, those
blown with the intention of fulfilling the listening to him fulfill their obligation, for
mitzva (Ramban, Rabeinu Yeruchem). However, although he interrupted with an extra teruah
since we hold that intent is required to fulfill sound and therefore doesn’t fulfill his
the mitzva of shofar, a shofar sounded without obligation, those listening to it do, because for
intent is no different than the sounds made by them, the extra teruah is no worse than a
people speaking or animals making noise, silent pause. Although the Magen Avraham’s
which surely cannot be considered an ruling (588:3) is the same since Rabeinu Tam
interruption. See also Shulchan Aruch HaRav and the Rashba understand that even the baal
who concurs. Still, the Biur Halacha writes that tokei’a fulfills his obligation, he adds that the
one should try to fulfill the stringent opinion, Ran seems to hold that there is no distinction
and therefore two shuls which are right next to between the one blowing and those listening.
each other should arrange not to blow shofar Later (590:10), the Magen Avraham writes that
at the same time. there is a difference between a sound blown