Page 114 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 114

Chayei Adam - K’lal 142 - The Order  of the Tekiahs

              to Rabeinu Tam one doesn’t moan and then cry in the same breath, nevertheless,
              it is forbidden to pause more than a breath.  26

              ]11[   One fulfills his obligation even if he did not hear all of these blasts one
              after the other, but rather waited between hearing one blast and the next.  [This
              is] provided he hears them in order.  If however, he heard them out of order,
              such as if he heard a teruah before the [first] tekiah or the like, he does not fulfill
              his obligation, as will be explained in the next siman.  However, some say that
              this  is  only  if  he  intended  to  hear  the  sound  in  order  to  fulfill  the  mitzva.
              However, if he didn’t intend to fulfill the mitzva, such as if, for example, he heard
              a tekiah, and then heard a teruah without intending it for the sake of the mitzva,
              and then heard  shevarim, etc. then, the  fact that he heard a  teruah before the
              shevarim is inconsequential, because we look at it as if he heard the sound of an
              animal, etc.  [However,] some say that even if he just happened to hear [another
              sound of the shofar] and didn’t intend it for the sake of the mitzva, it nevertheless
              interferes. The Magen Avraham rules leniently.  There is no difference between

                                                        םדו רשב

              single breath. (Mishna Berura)               custom is for the makri to call out ‘shevarim -
                                                           teruah’ before.
              26.    Certainly,  when  blowing  shevarim-    27.   The  gemara  (Rosh  Hashana  34b)
              teruah  in  a  single  breath,  one  cannot  pause   teaches  that  if  one  hears  the  nine  obligatory
              between them and the makri (who calls out to
              prompt the baal toke’ah as to which sounds to   blasts  of  the  shofar  over  a  stretch  of  nine
                                                           hours, he fulfills his obligation.
              blow) must say ‘shevarim-teruah’  beforehand.
              However, during musaf when one blows them    28.    The  gemara  qualifies  that  if  nine
              in  two  separate  breaths  (in  fulfillment  of  the   people  blow  the  nine  sounds  at  the  same
              opinion  of  Rabeinu  Tam)  there  would     time,  he  doesn’t  fulfill  his  obligation.  The
              technically  be  time  for  the  makri  to  say   rishonim explain that this is because the nine
              ‘teruah’ between the shevarim and teruah, but   blasts of the shofar must be sounded in order
              practically, this would prove to be too much of   (i.e.  tekiah-teruah-tekiah  -  i.e.  whatever  the
              a hefsek. Although  the  Taz simply writes that   Torah  defines  as  a  teruah  -  three  times)  and
              the baal toke’ah shouldn’t wait for the prompt   blowing  all  of  them  simultaneously  negates
              and  just  blow  on  his  own,  the  prevalent   this.

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