Page 110 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 110

Chayei Adam - K’lal 142 - The Order  of the Tekiahs

              ]9[    Therefore,  some poskim hold that in the set of tekiah-shevarim-teruah-
              tekiah,  since  we  count  the  shevarim-teruah  as  a  teruah,  accordingly  one  must
              blow them in a single breath,  and if he paused in the middle he doesn’t fulfill his
              obligation. However, Rabeinu Tam maintains that people don’t moan and cry in a
              single breath. Therefore, although the shevarim-teruah of tekiah-shevarim-teruah-
              tekiah is a single teruah, nevertheless, l’chatchila, one should blow them in two
              breaths.  Some say that according to Rabeinu Tam, if he blew them in a single

                                                        םדו רשב
              [or  less]  is  kosher,  this  is  according  to  R’   city  of  Magentza,  one  year  the  baal  tokei’a
              Yehuda when blowing a tekiah and teruah,     only  blew  two  shevarim  in  the  third  set  of
              since they are two separate sounds, but in a   tekiah-shevarim-teruah-tekiah  and  he  was
              single sound, it is posul if he breaks even as   instructed to start over, blowing three full sets
              long as a breath.                            of  tekiah-shevarim-teruah-tekiah.  The  Raavan
                  See previous note regarding shevarim which   disagreed  and  claimed  that  they  blew  extra
              are not blown in a single breath, that they are   blasts  of  the  shofar  unnecessarily,  which  is
              not  valid.  Although  the  Tur  and  Shulchan   rabbinically prohibited. Rather, they only need
              Aruch  (590:4)  codify  this  as  halacha,  the  Taz   to  blow  one  set  of  tekiah-shevarim-teruah
              and Magen  Avraham  contend that this is not   tekiah.  The  Rosh  disagreed  with  this  as  well,
              necessarily  so:  Later,  the  Shulchan  Aruch   and that since the shevarim and teruah sounds
              (590:7)  writes  that  if  one  only  blew  two   are  all  part  of  this  set,  it  is  not  considered  a
              shevarim  (of  tekiah-shevarim-teruah-tekiah)   different sound and he need not begin again.
              and  then  started  blowing  teruahs,  he  may   The  Rabeinu  Yoel  further  contends  that  if  he
              insert  another  shever  and  then  continue,   didn’t  complete  the  interrupting  teruah,  he
              implying  that  pausing  in  the  middle  of  the   can  simply  add  the  missing  shever.  Based  on
              shevarim  or  teruahs  is  not  considered  a   all of this, the Shulchan Aruch rules that if after
              sufficient  interruption  to  invalidate  the  set.    blowing  two  shevarim,  one  began  sounding
              Although  the  Taz  disagrees  with  this  ruling   the teruah, he should simply add the missing
              and writes that he should blow the set again,   shever,  and  the  Taz  and  Magen  Avraham
              he  concludes  that  a  silent  pause  between   understand this to mean that one can indeed
              shevarim  (or  between  teruahs)  is  not  enough   break  up  the  shevarim.  The  Gra  however
              to  invalidate  them.  The  Kneses  HaGedolah   explains  that  the  Shulchan  Aruch’s  ruling  is
              disagrees,  and  the  Elya  Raba,  Chayei  Adam,   simply in line with the Raavan in that he need
              and  Mishna  Berura  rule accordingly, that one   not blow the preceding tekiah again.
              may not pause between shevarim.                  In  his  note  above,  the  Chayei  Adam  fends
                  Still, the Shulchan Aruch’s ruling there, must   off  another  suggested  proof  that  one  may
              be  understood:  The  Rosh  reports  that  in  the   pause between shevarim: The gemara (Succah

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