Page 111 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 111

םדא                        תועיקתה רדס  -     ב “ מק ללכ                 ייח

              הָּעּור ְּת םי ִרָּב ְּּ ׁשַל ןַני ִב ְּ ׁש ָּח ְּד ת" ַר ְּ ׁש ַּת ר ֶד ֵס ְּב ִד םי ִר ְּבֹו ּס ֶ ׁש םי ִק ְּסֹו ּפ שֵי    ׁ  21  ןֵכָּלו   ְּ  ]ט[
              י ֵד ְּכ ִב ן ֶהיֵניֵּב קי ִס ְּפ ִה םאו    ִ ְּ  22  .א ָּק ְּו ַד ת ַח ַא ה ָּמי ִ ׁשְּנ ִב ן ָּתֹוֹשֲעַל ךי ִרָּצ ןֵּכ ם ִא ְּו ,הָּעּור ְּתִל
              י ֵ ׁשְּני ִא י ֵד ְּבַע אָּל יֵלּולי ִו י ֵחּונ ְּג ִד ןָּויֵּכ  ּהיֵל א ָּרי ִב ְּס ת"ר לָּבֲא .אָּצָּי אל ,ה ָּמי ִ ׁשְּנ
              ,ת ַח ַא הָּעּור ְּת יֵוֲה ת" ַר ְּ ׁש ַּת ר ֶד ֵס ְּב הָּעּור ְּת םי ִרָּב ְּ ׁש ִד בַּג לַע ף ַא ןֵכָּל ְּו ,ת ַח ַא ה ָּמי ִ ׁשְּנ ִב


              ן ָּא ָּשֲע ם ִא ת"רלד םי ִר ְּמֹוא  ׁשֵיו    ְּ  23  .תֹומי ִ ׁשְּנ 'ב ְּב א ָּק ְּו ַד ה ֶשֲעַי הָּּ ל ִח ְּתַכְּל םֹוק ָּמ לָּּכ ִמ
                                                       םדו רשב
              53b) says that according to R’ Yehuda, there is   definition  of  teruah  is  a  sound  composed  of
              no break between a tekiah and a teruah. This   both  shevarim  and  teruah.  The  rishonim
              is  because  R’  Yehuda  maintains  that  tekiah-  explain that if that is indeed the case, shevarim
              teruah-tekiah  must be sounded together, and   -teruah  is  a  single  sound  and  one  should
              are  not  three  separate  sounds,  which  is  the   therefore avoid pausing in the middle just as
              opinion  of  the  Chachamim,  and  the  halacha.   he would do when blowing three shevarim or
              Rashi  there  explains  that  this  means  that  the   many  teruos.  (Ran,  Rashba,  Rosh,  Rivash,  Ritz
              break is no more than a breath, which would   Geios).  Rabeinu  Tam  however  disagrees.  He
              imply  that  one  may  pause  up  to  one  breath   explains that  since the  shevarim-teruah  set is
              between sounds. Since R’ Yehuda requires the   meant  to  imitate  a  person  who  begins
              tekiah to be connected to the teruah, but yet a   moaning but then transitions to a rapid cry, it
              short pause does not disqualify it, one might   is  more  appropriate  to  pause  between  them,
              conclude that a slight pause between shevarim   as  the  transition  is  not  seamless.  This  is  also
              is also not sufficient to invalidate it according   likely the opinion of the Rambam.
              to the Chachamim. The Chayei Adam however
              argues that there is no comparison, for even R’   22.   One  should  however  pause  slightly
              Yehuda contends that a tekiah and teruah are   (less than a breath) between the shevarim and
              two separate sounds, but he requires that they   the  teruah.  (Mishna  Berura)    See  however
              be linked together. Accordingly, a brief pause   Chazon Ish who understands that pausing for
              is  not  considered  an  interruption.  The  same   a full breath invalidates the set even according
              however  cannot  be  said  of  the  blasts  of   to  Rabeinu  Tam,  and that although the  Ran
              shevarim or teruah which are composite parts   also agrees that a slight pause is called for, the
              of a single sound.                           Rosh  requires  that  the  shevarim  lead  straight
                                                           into the teruah.
              21.    See  above  (siman  2)  that  the
              definition  of  teruah  is  questionable  and  the   23.   The  Beis  Yosef  understands  that
              reason we blow tekiah-shevarim-teruah-tekiah   Rabeinu  Tam  only  recommends  blowing
              is  to  fulfill  the  possibility  that  the  Torah’s   shevarim-teruah  in  two  separate  breaths,  but

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