Page 226 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 226
Chayei Adam - K’lal 146 - Laws of the Succah
]2[ That which the Torah says to “sit in succos” refers to the s'chach above, as
it is called a succah because it covers a person and shields him from storm and
rain, as it says, “and the succah will be for shade by day from the heat, and for a
shelter, and to conceal from storm and from rain”. The walls, however, are not
called a succah and therefore anything which we will write [below] that the Torah
invalidated for a succah refers specifically to the s'chach, but all of these
[materials] may be used for the walls. 8
]3[ Nevertheless, it is a halacha l’Moshe mi’Sinai, and is understood from the
pesukim as well, that it is not called a succah unless it has walls. It is a preferred
[form of fulfilling the] mitzva to construct [a succah] with four complete walls.
However, if one made two walls and a third wall which was a wide tefach, the
halacha l’Moshe mi’Sinai [tells us] that it is valid, provided the two complete walls
form an ‘L’ shape and he constructs a third wall which is [at least] a bit wider than
a tefach and he places it within three tefachim of [one of] the walls. [This way] he
will end up with most of the minimal size of a wall which is seven tefachim, as
םדו רשב
protected us with the clouds of glory. Mitzrayim, or the clouds of glory, as
Although it is also meant to commemorate above). Although the Mishna Berura rules like
yetzias Mitzrayim, it is only in a secondary the Pri Megadim that if one did not do so, he
fashion, very much like tzitzis and the fulfills his basic obligation, it is worth noting
prohibition of charging interest are also to that the Bikurei Yaakov and others maintain
recall yetzias Mitzrayim. (Taz. See however the that fulfilling one’s obligation is in fact
Bach who reverses this. The Mishna Berura contingent on having this in mind.
simply writes that one should remember
Mitzrayim, and according to some, the clouds 5. See Rashi (Succah 2a) who writes that
of glory as well.) a succah is referred to as such because of the
The Bach understands that since the posuk s'chach, which is its main component.
states that we should sit in succos “so that”
we will know, one must not only intend to 6. Yeshaya 4:6
fulfill the Torah’s mitzva of sitting in a succah,
but we are also commanded to focus on the 7. R’ Zeira’s statement on Succah 2a.
deeper meaning of succah (either yetzias