Page 224 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 224

Chayei Adam - K’lal 146 - Laws of the Succah

              ]1[     The Torah says  “You shall sit in succos for seven days… So that you shall
              know that I put the Jewish people in succos when I took them out from Egypt...”
              At first, the Torah writes תֹּכ ֻּסַּב  (succos without the letter ‘vav’), and here it writes
                         ּ   ו ת
              י ִת ְּב ַ ׁשֹוה     כ ֻּסַּב  (“I  placed  them  in  succos”  with  a  ‘vav’),  to  teach  us  that  they
              dwelled in two types of succos; one being the succah [protection] of the clouds of
              glory, and the other, referring to actual succah booths when they sieged the cities
              of Sichon and Og.  Hashem commanded us to observe this mitzva in the month
              of Tishrei and not in Nisan which was the time of year we left Egypt,  since in the
              summertime, it is not clear that it is for the purpose of the mitzva as it is normal
              to sit in succos [to shade oneself] from the heat, which is not the case in Tishrei
              when the wintertime has arrived, and it is [therefore] clear that [his intent] is for
              the purpose of the mitzva.  4

                                                        םדו רשב
              1.     Vayikra 23:42-43                      to  R’  Eliezer   it  was  called  such  because  the
                                                           Jews built little huts in which to sleep. R’ Akiva
              2.     The  gemara  (Succah  111b)  records  a   however held that the Torah is telling us that
              dispute of tanaim in understanding this posuk   when they left Raamses, they were surrounded
              and  what  it  is  that  we  are  to  remember.   by the clouds of glory.   The Rokeach cites this
              According  to  R’  Akiva,  the  Jews  dwelled  in   understanding  as  well,  but  then  offers  an
              little  booths  which  they  built  when  they   alternate  understanding  which  is  quoted  by
              travelled in the desert. Accordingly, the Torah   the  Elya  Rabba:  After  we  left  Mitzrayim  and
              is  instructing  us  to  recall  how  our  basic   entered  Eretz  Yisroel   we  camped  in  small
              existence  was  preserved  in  the  desert.       R’   booths  which  we  built  as  we  laid  siege  to
              Eliezer  however  disagrees  and  explains  that   conquer  the  cities  of  Og  and  Sichon.  The
              during  our  forty  year  sojourn  we  were   significance  in  remembering  this  is  that  we
              surrounded on six sides  by the clouds of glory   shouldn’t  take  Eretz  Yisroel  for  granted,
              which  protected  us  from  the  elements  and   thinking  that  we  simply  inherited  it  from
              paved  the  way  for  our  travel.  The  mitzva  of   Avraham, Yitzchak, and Yaakov, but rather, we
              succah, he explains, was given for us to recall   should realize that we worked hard to take it
              the  protection  of  these  clouds.  The  Tur  and   over.
              Shulchan Aruch record only this opinion.ג        Although  R’  Eliezer  and  R’  Akiva  disagree,
                  The  posuk  (Bamidbar  33:5)  tells  us  that   the Chayei Adam here suggests that the Torah
              when  the  B’nei  Yisroel  left  Mitzrayim,  they   commands  us  to  remember  both  types  of
              travelled  from  Raamses  to  Succos.  The   succos  -  the  clouds  of  glory  and  the  physical
              Mechilta (Parshas Bo 14) tells us that according   booths. This, he explains, is alluded to by the

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