Page 221 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 221
םדא םירופכה םוי ןיד - ה “ מק ללכ ייח
םיִנָּבֲא ָּה ן ִמ אי ִצֹוה ֶ ּ ׁש ה ַמ לַע ך ֵרָּבְּל ר ָּּת ֻמ ,רֵנ ֹול ןי ֵא ם ִא םֹוק ָּמ לָּּכ ִמּו .ם ֶהיֵנ ְּ ׁש
ך ֵרָּבְּי ז ָּא ְּו ,ּוקיִל ְּד ִה ֶ ׁש ןֹו ׁשא ִר ָּה דּו ּמַעָּּב הֶי ְּהִי אּ ֶ ׁש טַע ְּמ ןי ִת ְּמַי ְּו ,ּוּנ ֶּמ ִמ רֵנ קיִל ְּדַי ְּו
91 :ויָּלָּע
תָּּב ַ ׁש ׁש ַר ְּד ִמ ְּב א ָּתי ִא ְּד ,םי ִרּו ּפ ִכ ַה םֹוי י ֵאָּצֹומ ְּב םי ִח ֵמ ְּשּו םי ִתֹו ׁש ְּו םיִל ְּכֹוא ]אמ[
92 :"םֶכ ְּמ ְּחַל ּול ְּכ ִא ה ָּח ְּמ ִש ְּב ּוכְּל" ר ֵמֹוא ְּו אֵצֹוי לֹוק
ףֵיָּע ֹוני ֵא ם ִא הָּּכ ֻס ְּב טַע ְּמ קֹסֲעַל ה ָּדּוע ְּּס ַה ר ַח ַא ֹוא הָּל ָּד ְּב ַה ר ַח ַא ףֶכ ֵּת הָּו ְּצמ ִ ]במ[
93 "לִי ָּח ל ֶא לִי ַח ֵמ ּוכְּלֵי" םֵּי ַקְּל י ֵד ְּכ ,תיִנֲע ַּת ַה ן ִמ
]ח,דפ םיליהת[
אל ּוני ֵמָּּי ִמ ך ַא .םי ִרּו ּפ ִכ ַה םֹוי םי ִמָּי 'ב םי ִשֹוע ֶ ׁש ׁשֵּי ֶ ׁש ב ַתָּּכ ךּורָּע ן ָּחְּל ֻשב ׁ ְּּ ]גמ[
םי ִמָּי 'ב םי ִשֹוע ּונ ָּא בֹוט םֹוי לָּכ ְּב ִד בַּג לַע ף ַא ְּד ,ןֵּכ גֹהְּנִּי ֶ ׁש ם ָּד ָּא םּו ּ ׁש ִמ ּונ ְּע ַמ ָּ ׁש
םי ִמָּי 'ב תֹוּנַע ְּת ִהְּל הֶזָּּב דמֲעַל םיִלֹוכְּי ןי ֵא רּו ּב ִצ בר ֶ ׁש ןָּויֵּכ םֹוק ָּמ לָּּכ ִמ ,קֵפ ָּּס ִמ
94 :א ָּח ְּרַי ְּד אָּעי ִב ְּק ִב ןי ִאי ִק ְּב ןָּנֲא ַד ןָּויֵּכ קֵפ ָּּס ִמ ּונ ְּּ ק ִת אל ,םי ִפּוצ ְּר
םדו רשב
we have explained the institution of yom tov was the established custom, but there never
sheini at length. Originally, a second day of was such a custom for Yom Kippur (because of
yom tov was instituted due to a doubt as to the danger) even before the fixed calendar
when yom tov really was supposed to be. It became a reality. For this reason, the Rosh
was very rare that Elul should have 30 days, took issue with anyone who observed a
and there was therefore very little reason to second day of Yom Kippur and held that
observe a second day of yom tov in Tishrei. certainly one who fasted two days in the past,
However, due to the remote possibility that it can absolve himself of any obligation to
did, a second day of yom tov was observed for continue to do so in the future. Even those
Rosh Hashana (as well as Succos). Fasting two rishonim who understand fasting for two days
consecutive days however could pose a to be a bona fide custom, warn that this is
danger to life (see Talmud Yerushalmi that only with regards to fasting and melacha;
some amoraim fasted two days and died) and although they may certainly say whatever
so a second day of Yom Kippur was never selichos they want, the rest of davening should
observed. Nowadays, that we have a fixed only be a regular weekday one, even if a
calendar, we observe yom tov sheini because it community of one hundred people fast.