Page 216 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 216
Chayei Adam - K’lal 145 - Laws of Yom Kippur
still day, the kohanim say birkas kohanim in places where the custom is to do so.
If it is already dark, [it is omitted since] birkas kohanim is not said at night.
Nevertheless, the chazan mentions it in his repetition, just as he does during
mincha. Then we say Avinu malkeinu, even if it is Shabbos, and even if they
finished [the chazan’s repetition] while it was still day, since it is the time of the
sealing of our judgment. After the selichos, we say shema Yisroel once, boruch
sheim k’vod malchuso l’olam va’ed, three times, and seven times “Hashem hu
ha’Eloim”. After the tefilah is over, we blow one tekiah even though we have not
yet made havdala as it is a sign that the Shechina has left.
]38[ One must add a little onto the holy day from the weekday by waiting until
a little bit after tzeis ha’kochavim and then we daven maariv and say “atah
chonantanu”. 86
]39[ We make havdala over a cup [of wine] but we don't say a beracha on
besamim even if [Yom Kippur] was on Shabbos. One who wishes to satisfy all
opinions including those who say to make a beracha on besamim when [Yom
םדו רשב
80. Birkas kohanim was only instituted recite it) is inserted. Many understand his
during Shacharis and musaf, but not at mincha reason to be out of concern that they might
out of concern that the kohanim might be reach birkas kohanim after shkiah (Levush, Elya
intoxicated from their afternoon meal. Even Rabba, Mishna Berura). See however Biur
though when mincha is recited close to HaGra who understands that this minhag is in
sunset, there is no such concern, Chazal did line with the Rema (O.C. 128:44) that birkas
not want to differ between one mincha and kohanim is only recited on yomim tovim, and
another. Since neilah is always recited closer only during musaf.
to the end of the day, they did add birkas
kohanim to it. This is also the basis for reciting 81. Even though we generally avoid
birkas kohanim at a later mincha on a public making personal requests on Shabbos (which
fast day. (See O.C. 129:1.) The Rema writes that is the reason why Avinu Makeinu is omitted
our minhag is not to add birkas kohanim from the other tefilos when Yom Kippur is on
during neilah; instead “Elokeinu v’Elokei Shabbos), since it is the last chance to plead in
avoseinu” (the words added where there are the final moments of judgement (Magen
no kohanim or where they don’t go up to Avraham).