Page 232 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 232
Chayei Adam - K’lal 146 - Laws of the Succah
]4[ If [the succah] has two parallel walls, it is worse than when two walls meet
as above, [and he must] make a wall which is a bit more than four tefachim wide
and place it within three tefachim of the edge of one of the walls, and then it will
be as if there is a third wall [measuring] seven tefachim, since anything less than
three tefachim is considered ‘lavud’. Even in this case he must also place a pole
from the edge of this wall until the next wall, so that it will form a tzuras
ha’pesach. In a large succah, where the third wall is far from the board he
constructs, the Magen Avraham leaves the matter unresolved if it helps, and the
Elya Rabba rules it is valid. However, this is only if the third wall is formed by
lavud that it requires a tzuras ha’pesach, but if the wall is seven tefachim without
lavud, and certainly if there are three full walls, one does not need a tzuras
ha’pesach only that the custom is to make one for decoration. Since there are
many halachos relating to making walls which are incomplete and not everyone
knows them, the custom is to make full walls. Yet, if one who doesn’t have
sufficient [materials with which to construct] walls, it is better to make three
complete walls rather than make four incomplete ones. 25
םדו רשב
be a rabbinic decree since a lavud wall is tefachim wide, within three tefachim of one of
inferior. (Machatzis Hashekel, Aruch the succah’s corners. Then, by employing the
Hashulchan). See however Chazon Ish who halacha of lavud, it is considered as if there is
maintains that even if constructed of four full a complete wall measuring seven tefachim
walls, the material must run in both directions. wide.
19. Although if the two complete walls 20. The Rosh understands that since such
form an ‘L’ shape, the third wall can be a configuration essentially creates a full wall of
constructed using a tefach (as above), this is seven tefachim and is therefore considered a
because it forms somewhat of an enclosure. If better constructed wall (Taz), the requirement
the two complete walls are parallel to each of a tzuras ha’pesach only applies to the
other, then a more significant third wall is previous case where the third wall is made of a
required. (Succah 7a) Accordingly, one must single tefach. However, since the Rif and
place a wall which measures just over four Rambam understand that a tzuras ha’pesach is