Page 254 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 254
Chayei Adam - K’lal 146 - Laws of the Succah
house, it is kosher even if the stars cannot be seen through it. However, if it is so
thick that the rain cannot penetrate through it, even in a heavy rainfall, it is like a
house and is not valid, as an enactment of [lest he sit in his] house. 88
]19[ Airspace invalidates a succah if it measures three tefachim. Whether the
succah is large or small, whether it is in the middle [of the succah] or at the sides,
it is invalid. If it measures less than three tefachim, it is valid and counts towards
the [measurement] of the succah. However, one may not sleep under it. Air is
more serious [of an issue] than invalid s'chach [as below siman 20] because it is a
break which is visible and apparent. If there is a space of three tefachim of air in
the middle of the succah in one place but it does not divide the succah, the entire
succah is valid except for that place. If it divides the succah to the point where
םדו רשב
87. A beraisa (Succah 22b) teaches that if anyway. Furthermore, the Bikurei Yaakov
the ‘stars’ of the sun cannot be seen through wonders why the Shulchan Aruch adopted the
the s’chach, it is not valid according to Beis more strict approach and writes that as long
Shamai. Beis Hillel, however, maintains that it as the light from the sun penetrates, it is
is a kosher succah. Although the halacha sufficient and is considered ‘stars of the sun’.
follows Beis Hillel, the Rosh cites the Talmud See also Pri Megadim who writes that as long
Yerushalmi which explains that Beis Hillel as the stars are visible somewhere in the
requires that the stars be visible, l’chatchila. succah, it is sufficient, and the Mishna Berura
While they accept these words of the Rosh, the who rules this way. The custom seems to
rishonim disagree as to which ‘stars’ should be follow this approach.
visible. According to some, it refers only to
sunlight, meaning that the space need only be 88. Although, as stated, a succah is valid
very small. Others include regular stars which even if the stars are not visible, and, by
are visible at night, which would necessitate definition, a succah provides protection from
larger spaces in the s’chach, and the Shulchan the elements, Rabeinu Tam understands that if
Aruch and Chayei Adam follow this its roof is completely impermeable, it is akin to
interpretation. See however the Rambam who sitting in one’s house and does not qualify as
understands it to refer to large stars which are a succah. Although neither the Rosh nor
visible during the day. The Darkei Moshe Shulchan Aruch cite this opinion, the majority
however who cites the Maharil who says one of poskim write that one should not lay the
need not be particular about this halacha, for s’chach so thick that the rain cannot penetrate.
it is most likely that stars will be visible