Page 252 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 252

Chayei Adam - K’lal 146 - Laws of the Succah

              is never used to make a roof, even nowadays, we are accustomed to forbid using
              as s'chach lest one come to cover his succah with so much so that the rain won’t
              be able to enter, in which case including it in the ban of houses.  Nevertheless, in
              extenuating  circumstances,  or  if  one  has  no  other  s'chach,  one  may  use  even
              boards  wider  than  four  tefachim  for  s'chach,   as  is  true  of  anything  which  is
              forbidden by rabbinic enactment.   84

              ]18[  Since it is called s'chach because it shields against the sun, one must put
              enough s'chach on so that it provides more shade than sunlight.  If there is more
              sunlight than shade, it is not valid by Torah law, because it is [considered as if]
              there is no s'chach.  Ideally, the s'chach should be thin enough so that one can
              see the large stars through it at night; however if it was thick like the roof of a

                                                        םדו רשב
              82.    The S’mak writes that the custom is to   another  option  however,  they  didn’t  prevent
              avoid using smoothly sanded planks of wood   one from fulfilling his obligation of sitting in a
              even if they are narrower than 4 tefachim, lest   succah  which  is  valid  by  Torah  law.  It  goes
              he cover his succah in a way which keeps the   without saying, however, that if one is able to
              rain  out,  which  would  be  invalid  (see  below,   fix  it  before  yom  tov  or  on  chol  ha’moed,  he
              next  siman).    As  such,  these  boards  should   must.  Regarding  reciting  a  beracha  in  such  a
              also  be  included  under  the  general  ban  of   case, many authorities are of the opinion that
              ‘gezeiras tikra’.  By extension, the Bach (quoted   one should indeed recite one, and one should
              by  the  Magen  Avraham,  implying  that  he   consult  a  reliable  halachic  authority  for
              concurs)  bans  using  the  lattice  supports  for   guidance.
              s’chach  since  they  are  generally  used  to
              support a solid roof.                        85.    The mishna (Succah 22a) teaches that
                                                           a succah with more shade than sun is kosher,
              83.    Magen  Avraham. One may also make
              a beracha when he sits in such a succah under   implying that if the amount of shade and sun
              extenuating  circumstances.  (Rashba,  Bikurei   are  equal,  it  is  not  valid.  Yet,  the  mishna
              Yaakov. Mishna Berura )                      elsewhere (Succah 2a) says that a succah with
                                                           more sunlight than shade is not valid, implying
              84.    For   Chazal   only   made   these    that one with exactly equal amount is kosher.
              enactments  as  a  safeguard  to  ensure  that   The  gemara  there  resolves  the  implied
              people  don’t  construct  their  succah  in  a  way   contradiction by explaining that it depends on
              which is posul by Torah law. In the absence of   whether one determines this ratio from above

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