Page 248 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 248

Chayei Adam - K’lal 146 - Laws of the Succah

              also not considered a bundle unless it can be transported as tied,  for example if
              it is tied at both ends or in the middle.  If however it is only tied at one end, it is
              not  considered  to  be  a  bundle  since  it  cannot  be  transported  as  such.  For  the
              same reason, if the twenty five reeds are naturally connected it is not considered
              a bundle even if he ties it at both ends because something bound by Heaven is
              not considered a bundle.  If however he added even a single separate reed to
              the bundle, it is considered a bundle.  Those people who cover their succah with
              straw  should  be  careful  not  to  tie  them  up  in  bundles  to  prevent  them  from
              blowing away in the wind as this is invalid by rabbinic decree.

              ]15[   Therefore, even a bundle which is tied in order to sell it by number and
              the buyer undoes it immediately after purchase, is not considered a bundle.  In
              our country they sell bundles of branches which are cut to spread out around the
              house. Perhaps these are not considered bundles since it is not the normal way to
              put them up to dry. On the contrary, if they dry out, they are worthless.  74

              ]16[   For this reason as well, since it is only rabbinically forbidden, if one already
              covered his succah with bundles for the purpose of making a  succah and then
              afterwards realized [it is forbidden], he does not need to untie them and lift them
              up and place them back down, but rather it is sufficient to undo the bundles.
              [This is because] since the only concern is that he might make a mistake and sit
              under s'chach which was only placed there to dry out. Now that he unties them,
              he demonstrates that he knows the halacha of ta’aseh v’lo min ha’asui, and this is
              sufficient.  If however he places the bundles to dry out and not for shade, even if

                                                        םדו רשב
              69.    The gemara (Succah 13b) teaches that   R’  Yehoshua).  Although the Rif and Rosh cite
              a teepee-like tent formed from straw may be   both  explanations,  the  Rema  rules  like  the
              used as s’chach, if one unties it at its pointed   latter  opinion.  This  is  probably  because  this
              roof.  Although  it  was  also  attached  at  the   opinion fits in with the undisputed ruling that
              bottom, either it is also only kosher provided   a bundle made to sell in numbers is also not
              that  the  bottom  weave  is  also  undone  (Rav   considered a bundle.
              Papa) or, since it is not easily transported as is,
              does not qualify as a bundle (Rav Huna son of   70.   If  it  is  tied  in  the  middle  in  a

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