Page 246 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 246

Chayei Adam - K’lal 146 - Laws of the Succah

              be used for s'chach, even l’chatchila.  Similarly, one should not use something
              which  dries  up  within  seven  days  as  s'chach  lest  he  end  up  with  less  than  the
              minimum for a [kosher] succah.   66

              ]14[   We have already written that a succah is called a succah because of the
              s'chach which is made for shade. Since the posuk says “make the festival of Succos
              for  yourself”,  Chazal  understand  that  one  must  make  it  and  it  cannot  be
              something which was already made for another purpose other than shade, and
              now he decides he wants it to be for shade. Therefore, one who places wood or
              straw on top of walls in order to dry them out and not for the sake of shade at all,
              and then changes his mind that they should be used for a succah, [this structure]
              is invalid by Torah law, because it wasn’t initially made for shade. Because of this
              concern,  Chazal  forbade  covering  one’s  succah  with  things  that  are  normal  for
              people to put up to dry out, such as bundles of reeds or straw, and even if he
              does  so  for  [the  express  purpose  of]  shade,  [it  is  nevertheless  forbidden]  by
              rabbinic decree.   However, they only forbade using them in ways which people
              generally put up to dry which is not less than a bundle of twenty-five reeds.  It is

                                                        םדו רשב

              65.    This  is  clear  from  the  fact  that  the   considered  to  be  air  (and  not  posul  s’chach).
              Shulchan Aruch later on invalidates a succah if   The  Ran  writes  that  this  is  true  of  kosher
              one  spreads  out  a  sheet  to  catch  shedding   s’chach as well and that a material likely to dry
              leaves, implying that it is only because of the   up by the end of yom  tov  is considered non-
              sheet that the succah is not valid. Clearly then,   existent.  This however might only be true of
              this  halacha  refers  only  to  s'chach  which   s’chach  which  will  dry  up  completely;  if
              constantly sheds. (Bach, Magen Avraham)      however, the result will be a succah which has

              66.    See below siman 19 that while invalid   more sun the shade, it will only become posul
              s’chach will only invalidate a succah if it spans   where the s’chach dries up (Pri Megadim).
              4  tefachim,  air  (i.e.  an  area  left  uncovered)
              invalidates the succah if there are 3 uncovered   67.   The mishna (Succah 12a) forbids using
              tefachim.  The  gemara  (Succah  13b)  says  that   tied  bundles  as  s’chach.  The  gemara  there
              although one may certainly not use lettuce for   explains  that  it  was  common  for  people  to
              s'chach  since  it  is  a  food,  since  it  will   place bundles on an elevated structure to dry
              completely  dry up by the  end of  Succos, it is   out and keep there for storage throughout the

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