Page 247 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 247
םדא הכוס יניד “ ו - מק ללכ ייח
א ֵהְּי אל א ָּּמ ֶ ׁש ,'ז ךֹו ּת ׁשֵּבַי ְּת ִּמ ֶ ׁש רָּב ָּד ְּב ךֵּכ ַסְּי אל ןֵכו ְּ 61 .הָּּ ל ִח ְּתַכְּל ּו ּ ל ִפֲא ם ֶהָּּב ךֵּכ ַסְּל
66 :הָּּכ ֻס ר ֵ ׁש ְּכ ֶה רּוע ִ ׁש ֹו ּב
ה ֶשֲע ַּת תֹ ּכ ֻּס ַה ג ַח" בי ִת ְּכ ִד ִמּו .לֵצְּל ה ֶשֲעַּנ ֶ ׁש ם ֵ ׁש לַע הָּּכ ֻס א ָּר ְּקִנ ְּד ּונ ְּב ַתָּּכ רָּבכ ְּּ ]די[
ךָּל ְּמִנ וי ָּ ׁש ְּכ ַע ְּו לֵצ ם ֵ ׁשְּל אּ ֶ ׁש רָּב ְּכ ה ָּשֲעַּנ ֶ ּ ׁש ה ַּמ ִמ אל ְּו ה ֶשֲע ַּת ל"ַז ֲח ּול ְּב ִק ,"ךְּל
לָּל ְּכ לֵצ ם ֵ ׁשְּל אל ְּו ן ָּ ׁש ְּבַיְּל תֹוּצ ִח ְּמ יֵּבַּג לַע ׁש ַק ֹוא םי ִצ ֵע ַחיִנ ַּמ ַה ךָּכי ִפְּל .לֵצְּל הֶי ְּה ִת ֶ ׁש
ה ָּשֲעַנ אל הָּּ ל ִח ְּת ִמ י ֵרֲה ֶ ׁש ,ה ָּרֹו ּת ַה ן ִמ לּוסָּ ּפ ,הָּּכ ֻס ם ֵ ׁשְּל הֶי ְּה ִת ֶ ׁש ךַל ְּמִנ ךָּּכ ר ַח ַא ְּו
ם ָּד ָּא יֵנ ְּב ך ֶר ֶד ֶ ׁש םי ִרָּב ְּד ִב הָּּכ ֻס ם ֵ ׁשְּל ּו ּ ל ִפֲא ךֵּכ ַסְּל םי ִמָּכ ֲח ּור ְּס ָּא ךָּכי ִפְּל .לֵצ ם ֵ ׁשְּל
ם ֵ ׁשְּל וי ָּ ׁש ְּכ ַע ךֵּכ ַס ְּּמ ֶ ׁש בַּג לַע ף ַא ׁש ַק ל ֶ ׁש ֹוא םיִנ ָּק ל ֶ ׁש הָּלי ִבֲח ןֹוג ְּכ ן ָּ ׁש ְּבַיְּל ן ָּחיִנ ַהְּל
ןיִליִג ְּר ם ָּד ָּא יֵנ ְּב ך ֶר ֶד ֶ ׁש ןָּיְּנ ִע ֹותֹוא ְּב אָּּ ל ֶא ּור ְּס ָּא אל םָּנ ְּמאו ָּ ְּ 67 .ה ָּרֵזְּּג םּו ּ ׁש ִמ ,הָּּכ ֻס ְּו לֵצ
לַכּוּי ֶ ּ ׁש ה ַמ אָּּ ל ֶא הָּלי ִבֲח א ָּר ְּקִנ אל םַגו ְּ 68 ,םיִנ ָּק ה" ּכ ִמ תֹוחָּפ ְּב הֶז ןי ֵא ְּו , ׁשֵּבַיְּל ַחיִנ ַהְּל
םדו רשב
summer. As such, there was concern that when (Talmud Bavli, Succah 13a) relates that the
Succos would come, people might think that Chachamim and R’ Yossi argue as to whether a
they have a ready made succah and sit there bundle is made of 2 or 3 items bundled
during Succos. Of course, since they didn’t together, the rishonim (Tosfos, Rosh, Rambam)
make the succah, but it was rather made by cite the opinion of the Yerushalmi which is
itself, (i.e. he decided that it should become a codified by the Shulchan Aruch. Although the
succah) it is not valid. On account of this halacha generally follows the Talmud Bavli
concern, Chazal forbade using any bundles as over the words of the Yerushalmi, the Rosh
s’chach, unless one takes proper measures to explains that the Bavli refers to a case where a
rectify the situation, as below. If one did use single reed was bundled together with
bundles of straw, etc. for s’chach, he does not another 24 reeds which were naturally
fulfill his obligation, (Beis Yosef, Levush, Mishna attached. See also Darkei Moshe who
Berura) although others (Bach, Darkei Moshe) explains that the Bavli’s discussion centers
around the hyssop bundle used for sprinkling
68. The Talmud Yerushalmi writes that a the ashes of the parah adumah, and does not
bundle is defined as being comprised of at address the definition of a bundle used for
least twenty-five reeds. Although the gemara s’chach.