Page 281 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 281

םדא                         הכוס יניד  “  ו -    מק ללכ                        ייח

               163  .םי ִפָּע ְּר ָּה רי ִס ֵה ְּו ה ֶשֲע ַמ ה ָּשָּע ֶ ׁש ןָּויֵּכ ּור ְּ ׁש ְּכ ֻה ן ָּמ ְּצַע םי ִצ ֵע ָּה ְּד ,ן ָּמ ְּצַע םי ִצ ֵע ָּה ת ַח ַּת

              ם ִא לָּבא    ֲ  164  .םי ִחָּפ ְּט 'ג תֹוחָּפְּל ֹוא םי ִחָּפ ְּט 'ד ד ָּח ֶא לָּּכ ןיֵּב הֶי ְּהִּי ֶ ׁש םי ִרי ִמ ְּח ַמ  ׁשֵי ְּו
              בַּג לַע ף ַאד    ְּ ּ  161  ,לּוסָּ ּפ ךָּכ ְּס ןי ִד ם ֶהָּל  ׁשֵי םי ִצ ֵע ָּה ן ָּתֹוא ז ָּא ,םי ִפָּע ְּר אל ְּב ךָּּכ ה ָּתְּי ָּה
              ם ֵה י ֵרֲה ,לֵצ ם ֵ ׁשְּל אּ ֶ ׁש ם ָּ ׁש ם ָּחיִנ ִה ֶ ׁש ןָּויֵּכ םֹוק ָּמ לָּּכ ִמ ,ר ֵ ׁשָּּכ ךָּכ ְּס ם ֵה ת ֶמֱאֶב ְּד
              ג"ל ן ָּמי ִס ְּב ןָּלי ִא ָּה ת ַח ַּת ֶ ׁש הָּּכ ֻס ןי ִד ְּכ םָּני ִד ְּו ,יּוֹשָּע ֶה ן ִמ אל ְּו ה ֶשֲע ַּת םּו ּ ׁש ִמ םיִלּוס ְּּפ

              א"מ לָּבֲא .םי ִחָּפ ְּט 'ג ן ֶהיֵניֵּב ןי ֵא ם ִא ר ֵסֹוא ח"בה ,ם ֶהיֵלֲע ךָּכ ְּּס ַה  ַחיִנ ַמ ם ִא ְּו .ש"ע
                                        166 :ו"כ ן ָּמי ִס לי ֵעְּל ִד ְּכ ר ֵתֹוי ם ֶהיֵניֵּב חַו ֶר  ׁשֵי ם ִא ןי ִרי ִת ַמ ר"או
              ןָּויֵכ ְּד ,ה ָּר ֵ ׁשכ ,  ְּּ    ךֵּכ ַסְּל םי ִחָּפ ְּט 'ד ךֹות ְּב אּוה ם ִא ,יֹונְּל ךָּכ ְּּס ַה ת ַח ַּת ןי ִדָּס סרפ   ֵ ֵּ  ]ול[
              יֵנ ְּפ ִב ל ֶהֹא יֵוֲה ,םי ִחָּפ ְּט 'ד ךָּכ ְּּס ַה ן ִמ קֹוח ָּר אּוה םאו    ִ ְּ  167  .ךָּכ ְּס יֵּבַגְּל ל ֵטָּּב ,יֹונְּל אּוה ֶ ׁש
                                                        םדו רשב
              requires a space of four tefachim between the   understands  that  removing  the  shingles  is
              support  beams.    He  reasons  that  while   never  sufficient,  and  so  the  support  beams
              removing the shingles is indeed considered a   remain posul. Furthermore, if there is less than
              sufficient enough action to render the beams   three tefachim between each of these beams,
              as  kosher  s’chach,  this  creates  a  situation  in   the rule of lavud is applied and it is viewed as
              which there are actually two separate layers of   a single solid board which is posul for s’chach.
              s’chach, and is posul like one succah on top of   The  Bach  holds  this  to  be  true  even  if  the
              another.  The  poskim  are  not  concerned  with   s’chach is placed directly on top of the beams,
              fulfilling this opinion (Shaar Hatziyun).    essentially  filling  in  the  gaps  with  kosher
                                                           s’chach. In this case however, the consensus of
              165.   Such  is  the  case  with  rafters  which   the poskim (see Mishna Berura) is to side with
              serve to support the structure, but are set well   the  Magen  Avraham  who  wonders  why  this
              below  the  roof.  Since  these  were  not  placed   should  be  and  holds  it  to  be  kosher. אמק   The
              there  to  provide  shade,  they  are  not  valid  as   poskim (Elya  Raba,  Mishna  Berura) follow the
              s’chach and the removal of the shingles from   ruling of the Magen Avraham.
              the  roof  which  is  higher  up  cannot  be
              considered  an  action  done  to  the  rafters   167.   The mishna (Succah 10a) teaches that
              themselves  and  therefore  does  not  render   if one spreads out a sheet under his s’chach to
              them kosher.                                 catch  falling  particles  of  s’chach,  he  has
                                                           invalidated  the  succah.  The  gemara  however
              166.   See  above,  note  164  that  the  Bach   qualifies  that  this  only  problematic  if  he

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