Page 276 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 276

Chayei Adam - K’lal 146 - Laws of the Succah

              and the s’chach itself provides more shade than sun, even without the branches, it
              is  a  dispute  of  the  poskim. 151   Since  it  is  a  matter  of  Torah  law,  we  rule
              stringently 152  and we view all the s’chach directly under the tree’s branches as if
              they didn’t exist, unless there is so much kosher s’chach that if the s’chach under
              the  branches  would  be  removed,  the  succah  would  still  have  more  shade  than
              sun. This is all [derived] from that which the Torah writes “in succos” without a vav,
              to teach us [that one may not sit in] a  succah under a succah, nor in a succah
              under  [the  roof  of  a]  house,  nor  in  a  succah  under  a  tree. 153     Even  if  one
              subsequently cuts the branches so that they become [part of] the s’chach [it is not

              sufficient]. Although [these branches] are kosher in that they are not attached to
              the ground, the succah is nevertheless posul since it was made in an invalid way
              and [violates] ‘taaseh v’lo min ha’asui’. 154   Rather, he should pick up each branch
              and  place  it  back  down  on  the  s’chach  for  the  express  purpose  of  serving  as
              s’chach. 155    It is for this reason that one may not sleep in a canopy bed inside the
              succah, even if it is not ten tefachim high, for he doesn’t sleep in the shade of the
              succah, but rather in the shade of the canopy.  156

                                                        םדו רשב

              151.   Although  the  mishna  teaches  that  a   the  tree  doesn’t  pose  a  problem  in  and  of
              succah  constructed  under  a  tree  is  posul,  the   itself,  seeing  that  it  provides  more  sunlight
              gemara  (Succah  9b)  qualifies  that  since  the   than shade. It is only if the s’chach is deficient
              mishna  compares  this  to  building  it  inside  a   and  one  wishes  to  combine  the  tree’s
              house, it is only posul if the tree provides more   branches for shade that one must lower them
              shade  than  sun,  implying  that  if  it  provides   and combine them with the majority of kosher
              less, it would be kosher. The gemara questions   s’chach  to  produce  a  kosher  succah.    Others
              this  since  the  shade  is  also  produced  by  the   (Ravya, Ran) however disagree. They maintain
              branches  of  the  tree  (which  are  still  attached   that a succah under a tree is problematic, even
              to  the  ground  and  therefore  posul).  The   if  the  succah  is  kosher  anyway,  and  the  tree
              gemara answers that it is acceptable because   provides minimal shade. In order to render the
              we  refer  to  a  case  where  the  branches  were   succah  kosher,  one  must  either  consider  the
              pulled  down  and  combined  with  the  kosher   s’chach directly under the tree as non-existent
              s’chach in a way that it is batul. חכק    Rashi and   (in which case the succah is only kosher if the
              Tosfos understand that if the s’chach provides   ‘remaining’ s’chach provides adequate shade),
              ample shade on its own, it is kosher as is, since   or,  if  he  lowers  the  branches,  and  combines

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