Page 272 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 272

Chayei Adam - K’lal 146 - Laws of the Succah

              tie them with ropes made of flax or worn out garments, but ideally, one should
              not tie the s’chach to the beams with ropes, since he is tying the s’chach itself with
              something which is susceptible to tumah.   138

              ]31[   If one weaves sticks together [to form a roof for the succah], it is possibly
              not valid if they measure four tefachim wide, for perhaps we view them like planks
              of  wood  which  measure  four  tefachim  and  are  posul. 139    Even  though  he  adds
              kosher s’chach on top, it still might be forbidden. 140   Nevertheless, one should not
              protest  those  who  are  lenient,  because  since  they  place  s’chach  on  top,  it  isn’t
              relevant to ban them [on account of] a roof.  141

              ]32[  A succah which does not have a roof such as one where the walls meet at
              the top like this: /\  or [if] he rests the wall [of the succah] on a [regular] wall like
              this: |\ it is not valid as there is no s’chach and no wall. 142  Nevertheless, if there is a
              tefach within three tefachim of its roof, it is kosher. 143  Since this is not common in

                                                        םדו רשב
              138.   The  Terumas  Hadeshen  writes  that   tefachim wide, for s’chach. The Ran writes that
              connecting the beams of the succah together   if reeds are attached together and result in a
              with  nails  is  of  no  concern,  as  it  is  not  these   piece of s’chach measuring four tefachim wide,
              nails, but rather the beams which support the   it is likewise included in this ban. The  Rashba
              s’chach. Accordingly, one may rest the s’chach   entertains this possibility as well, but dismisses
              on  top  of  beams  of  wood  which  rest  on  a   it,  primarily,  because  the  custom  is  to  be
              material which is not usable for s’chach.    The   lenient.  (See  Magen  Avraham  626:6  who
              Chazon    Ish   however   disagrees   and    quotes  this.)    The  Ran’s  words  however  are
              understands  that  anything  which  integrally   problematic,  because  not  only  is  it  prevalent
              supports  the  s’chach  is  included  in  the  ban,   to  use  mats  for  s’chach,  but  the  mishna
              even  if  the  support  is  very  indirect.   explicitly  permits  it  (Succah  19b),  provided  it
              Accordingly, one would not be able to connect   was  not  manufactured  as  a  mattress.  (See
              the walls of his succah with metal screws. The   above  siman  12).     The  poskim  suggest  a
              Chayei Adam clearly doesn’t understand it this   number  of  approaches,  among  them  that
              way, and this is in fact the prevalent custom.     connected reeds can only qualify as a plank if
                                                           the result is a stiff unit, but not a mat which is
              139.   See  above,  note  78  that  Chazal   soft  and  bends.  (Dayan  Y  Y  Fisher,  Shevet
              forbade using wooden planks measuring four   HaLevi)  Alternatively,  only  materials  which

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