Page 271 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 271
םדא הכוס יניד “ ו - מק ללכ ייח
ןֵכָּל ְּו .ה ָּא ְּמ ֻט לֵּב ַק ְּּמ ֶ ׁש רָּב ָּד ְּב ךָּכ ְּּס ַה די ִמֲע ַהְּל אּ ֶ ׁש רי ִמ ְּח ַהְּל יּוא ָּר הָּּ ל ִח ְּתַכל ְּ ]ל[
ם ֵה ֶ ׁש ,ה ָּמ ֵה ְּב לַכֲא ַמ ם ָּ ׁש םיִנ ְּתֹוּנ ֶ ׁש ל ֶתֹ ּכַּב םי ִרָּּב ֻח ְּמ ַה ֹוא תֹולָּגֲע ל ֶ ׁש תֹומָּּ לֻס ן ֵּתִל ןי ֵא
לָּכ ְּו ,תֹוביִל ְּּ ׁש ַה לּו ּב ִק תיֵּב ם ֶהָּל ׁשֵּי ֶ ׁש תֹומָּּ לֻס ר ָּא ְּ ׁש ןֵכ ְּו ,ה ָּא ְּמ ֻט םיִל ְּב ַק ְּמּו םיִלֵכ ְּכ
ךָּכ ְּּס ַה לַע ם ָּתֹוא ן ֵּתִל ּו ּ ל ִפֲאַו ,ן ֶהיֵלֲע ךֵּכ ַסְּל י ֵד ְּכ הָּפ ֵרְּג ַמּו ה ָּר ַמ ןֹוג ְּכ םיִלֵּכ ר ָּא ְּ ׁש ןֵּכ ֶ ׁש
ןיִנ ְּתֹוּנ ֶ ּ ׁש ה ַמּו .ם ֶהָּּב ךֵּכ ַסְּל אֹובָּי א ָּּמ ֶ ׁש ןַני ִרְּזָּג ְּד ,לֹ ּפִי אּ ֶ ׁש ךָּכ ְּּס ַה קיִז ֲחַּי ֶ ׁש י ֵד ְּכ
הֶז לָּכ ְּו .רַזְּג ִמְּל ךָּּי ַ ׁש אֹל ם ָּ ׁש ְּּד םּו ּ ׁש ִמ ,רָּּב ֻח ְּמ ַה םיִנָּבֲא ל ֶתֹ ּכ לַע תֹואָּסְּנֹול ְּּכ ַה
,דַבֲעי ִד ְּב ֹוא םי ִרָּב ְּד ר ָּא ְּ ׁש ֹול ןי ֵא ֶ ׁש ר ָּ ׁש ְּפ ֶא י ִא ם ִא לָּבֲא .ר ֵהָּזִל ר ָּ ׁש ְּפ ֶא ם ִא הָּּ ל ִח ְּתַכְּל
רֵּב ַחְּל ר ָּּתמ ֻ 137 א ָּמְּלָּע יֵּ לֻכְּלּו .ה ָּא ְּמ ֻט לֵּב ַק ְּמ ַה רָּב ָּד ְּב ךָּכ ְּּס ַה די ִמֲע ַהְּל ר ָּּת ֻמ ְּד ןָּל א ָּמְּּי ַק
ךָּכ ְּּס ַה ך ֵמֹוס ןי ֵא ֶ ׁש ןָּויֵּכ ,לֶז ְּרַּב ל ֶ ׁש תֹור ְּמ ְּס ַמ ְּב ם ֶהיֵלֲע ךָּכ ְּּס ַה ַחיִנ ַּמ ֶ ׁש תֹואָּסְּנֹול ְּכ ַה
םדו רשב
The Taz and Magen Avraham understand that presents a challenge to tying down s’chach
since supporting the s’chach with a material (especially mats) to prevent them from
which is not valid is only a disputed blowing away in the wind. Certainly, one may
stringency, their discussion must revolve tie it down with kosher s’chach, such as the
around using the ladder as s’chach. The ladder leaves of a lulav. Many use a type of
however is only susceptible to tumah if the unprocessed natural flax string. Some
ladders themselves measure more than four suggest weighing down the s’chach with
tefachim wide (Taz) or its rungs are fit into heavier thin pieces of wood which are in turn
holes at the sides of the ladder (see Pri tied down; then the string securing it to the
Megadim). Alternatively, the Taz argues that frame of the s’chach is only a secondary
using a ladder to support the s’chach is support (‘ma’amid d’ma’amid’) and presents
somehow worse than supporting it with other no problem, save for the opinion of the
materials since there is greater likelihood to Chazon Ish (see below note 137).
use them as s’chach. If however the ladder
originally formed the side of a wagon, or if a 136. Since there is little concern that one
ladder was converted into a trough to feed would use stones to cover his succah (Ran).
animals, it is certainly susceptible to tumah by it is likewise permitted to rest s’chach directly
Torah law and may not serve as s’chach, nor on top of a concrete wall וטק (Chazon Ish).
should be used to support it (Bach, Mishna
Berura). 137. Since there is little concern that one
135. Since its weight keeps the s’chach in would use stones to cover his succah (Ran).
place, it is also considered a ma’amid - It is likewise permitted to rest s’chach directly
something which supports the s’chach. This on top of a concrete wall (Chazon Ish).