Page 300 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 300
Chayei Adam - K’lal 146 - Laws of the Succah
]46[ One should not make the walls of his succah from fabric which is
shatnez. 217 Similarly, he shouldn’t hang shatnez as decorations unless they are too
high for people to reach. One also shouldn’t tie things he might remove from the
rain on yom tov, because undoing [knots] is forbidden on yom tov. Rather, he
should make a bow. 218
]47[ It is forbidden to carve the posuk “[you shall] dwell in succos” on a gourd
or the like, as it will end up being treated with disgrace. 219 Furthermore, according
to many authorities, it is forbidden to write pesukim unless [he writes] a complete
chumash. Even though we conduct ourselves leniently, that is only in order to
learn from them, but not unnecessarily. 220
]48[ One who is only able to build a sukkah on the other side of a river and
would need to cross it in a small boat, if he has no other choice, he may cross the
river in a small boat operated by a non-Jew, so that the Jew won’t have to do any
action. 221
םדו רשב
217. See Yoreh De’ah 301 that the those expensive decorations with a bow with
prohibition of shatnez extends beyond one may untie without problem.
clothing and it is indeed forbidden for the
body to benefit from them in other ways as 219. i.e. the gourd will be discarded or
well. Accordingly, one should not even mutilated which is disgraceful for a posuk from
decorate his succah with shatnez, unless they the Torah, even if it contains no names of
are hung too high for him to use (Magen Hashem (Magen Avraham).
220. The Chayei Adam here adds another
218. If it rains on Shabbos or yom tov, he reason to discourage the practice of writing
will want to bring them inside to rescue them pesukim on a gourd: By Torah law, on may
from damage by the rain, as above. Yet, if they only write a posuk if he adheres to specific
are affixed to the succah with a regular knot, guidelines. Many contend that this includes
untying them might constitute a violation of that it must be part of a complete sefer. In
Shabbos or yom tov (see above k’lal 26-27). practice, we disregard many of these rules by
Accordingly, one should be sure to attach invoking the rule of ‘eis la’asos l’Hashem’ - that