Page 301 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 301
םדא הכוס יניד “ ו - מק ללכ ייח
יֹונְּל זֵנ ְּטַע ַ ׁש הֶל ְּתִי אל ןכו ֵ ְּ 217 ,זֵנ ְּטַע ַ ׁש תֹועי ִרי ִמ הָּּכ ֻּס ַה תֹונ ְּפ ַד תֹוֹשֲעַל ןיא ֵ ]ומ[
ןָּל ְּטְּל ַטְּל ֹו ּת ְּע ַד ְּב ֶ ׁש םי ִרָּב ְּד ן ָּתֹוא רֹ ׁש ְּקִי אל םַג ְּו .ם ָּד ָּא ׁשי ִמ ְּ ׁש ַּת ִמ םי ִהֹוב ְּּג ןֵּכ ם ִא אָּּ ל ֶא
218 :הָּביִנֲע ה ֶשֲעַי אָּּ ל ֶא ,בֹוט םֹוי ְּב ן ָּרי ִת ַהְּל רּוס ָּא ְּד ,םי ִמ ָּ ׁשְּּג ַה יֵנ ְּּפ ִמ
ֹו ֶ
י ֵדיִל אֹובָּּיש ,ׁ ּב אֵצֹוּיַכ ְּו תַעַל ְּד לַע "ּוב ְּ ׁש ֵּת תֹ ּכ ֻּסַּב" קּוסָּ ּפ קֹק ְּחַל רּוסא ָּ ]זמ [
ף ַא ְּו .םֵל ָּ ׁש ׁש ָּּמ ֻח א ָּק ְּו ַד אָּּ ל ֶא םי ִקּוס ְּּפ בֹ ּת ְּכִל רּוס ָּא םי ִק ְּסֹו ּפ הֵּב ְּר ַהְּל ִד דֹועו ְּ 219 .ןֹויָּז ִב
221 :רּוס ָּא ,ך ֶרֹצְּל אּ ֶ ׁש לָּבֲא .א ָּק ְּו ַד ן ֶהָּּב ד ֵּמַל ְּת ִהְּל ,ר ֵּת ֶה ןיִגֲהֹונ ְּד בַּג לַע
הָּני ִפ ְּס ִב רבֲעַל ךי ִרָּצ ְּו ר ָּהָּּנ ַה רֶב ֵע ֵמ אָּּ ל ֶא הָּּכ ֻס תֹוֹשֲעַל ֹול ר ָּ ׁש ְּפ ֶא י ִא ֶ ׁש ימ ] ִ חמ [
י ִר ְּכָּּנ ֶ ׁש הָּּנ ַט ְּק הָּני ִפ ְּס ִב רֹבֲעַל ר ָּּת ֻמ ,ר ֵח ַא ןֶפֹא םּו ׁש ְּב ֹול ר ָּ ׁש ְּפ ֶא י ִא ם ִא ,הָּּנ ַט ְּק
221 :רָּב ָּד םּו ׁש תֹוֹשֲעַל ל ֵא ָּר ְּשִּי ַה ך ֵר ָּט ְּצִי אּ ֶ ׁש י ֵד ְּכ ,הָּּנ ֶרי ִבֲעַי
םדו רשב
certain halachos are set aside in order to wonders why he shouldn’t be exempt since
preserve the Torah. The intricacies and this is certainly considered great discomfort
variables of this are beyond the scope of this (and one who is uncomfortable is not
work, but the halacha is only overridden, obligated to sit in a succah) the acharonim
either, in order to facilitate better note that this leniency would apply to the first
understanding, or, so that Torah will endure, night of Succos when the exemption of
and carving a posuk on a gourd doesn’t qualify discomfort is questionable. Perhaps it is for
under either category. this reason that the Chayei Adam seems to
side with the Magen Avraham. See however
221. A minority opinion חעק holds that it one the Machatzis Hashekel who understands the
may board a boat on Shabbos and cross a Magen Avraham to be addressing the case of
body of water if the ship is operated by a non- one who already crossed by boat, in that one
Jew. Although the halacha does not follow this could rely on the minority opinions who
opinion, in extenuating circumstances, the permit crossing by boat, and allow him to
Magen Avraham writes that one can rely on it recite a beracha on sitting in the succah, but
and permit crossing a river by ferry in order to not that one may cross by boat l’chatchila.
be able to fulfill a mitzva such as sitting in a Accordingly, the Mishna Berura hesitates in
succah. Although the Magen Avraham relying on this leniency. טעק