Page 306 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 306

Chayei Adam - K’lal 147 - Laws of Sitting in the Succah

              ]1[    The  posuk  says  “you  shall  sit  in  succos  [for]  seven  days”   which  cannot
              mean  to  literally  sit,  but  rather,  Chazal  understand  it  to  mean  that  we  should
              dwell  [meaning that] the Torah commands us to live in the succah like we live in
              our  houses  all  year  long,   [meaning  that]  our  main  dwelling  should  be  in  the
              succah by bringing in nice utensils and mattresses,  and [we] eat and drink and
              sleep, relax, and learn  in it.  When a person speaks with his friend, it should all be
              done  in  the  succah.   In  general,  he  should  consider  the  succah  as  his  house,
              completely, and since the succah has a tremendous level of kedusha, it is proper
              to speak words of kedusha and Torah in it, and certainly not to speak lashon hara
              or rechilus or other forbidden forms of speech.  7

              ]2[    Nevertheless, one should not treat the mitzva disgracefully.  Therefore, he
              shouldn’t  bring  utensils  which  are  not  honorable  in   [his  succah]  such  as  pots,
              containers of flour, mixing bowls, pitchers used to draw water, vats, frying pans,
              choppers,  and  the  like.   We  are  accustomed  to  refrain  from  bringing  in  pots

                                                       םדו רשב
              1.     Vayikra 23:42                         5.     One beraisa (Succah 28b) teaches that
                                                           one  should  learn  Torah  in  the  succah,  while
              2.     Chayei  Adam’s  note:  It  is  an     another teaches that one should do so outside
              expression  of  delaying,  like  ‘they  sat  in   of the succah. The gemara reconciles the two,
              Kadeish’.            The  posuk  (Devarim    that  while  one  should  study  Torah  in  the
              1:46)  tells  that  the  Jewish  people  ‘sat  in   succah,  deeper  analysis  should  take  place
              Kadeish for many days’ (which was actually for   outside  where  it  is  quieter  and  more  airy
              19 years). Clearly, the posuk doesn’t mean that   (Understanding  of  most  rishonim).  See,
              they remained in a sitting position, but rather,   however,  the  Ran  who  cites  an  opinion  who
              that they remained there.א                   reverses it and rules that one should conduct
                                                           himself stringently and all Torah study should
              3.     The mishna (Succah 28b) teaches that   take place in the succah, unless he can’t focus,
              for  seven  days,  a  person  should  view  his   in  which  case  he  is  exempt  like  anyone  who
              succah as his permanent residence and use his   experiences great discomfort in the succah.
              house  only  secondarily,   meaning  that  he
              enters  it  when  he  needs  to  retrieve  an  item,   6.   Discussions   and   even   friendly
              but otherwise remains in his succah.
                                                           conversations should take place in the succah
              4.     Succah 28b.                           (Maharil, Taz).

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