Page 308 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 308
Chayei Adam - K’lal 147 - Laws of Sitting in the Succah
[even] before eating, and to remove plates after we finish eating. The custom is
not to bring a clay lamp [into the succah] as it is disgusting. Similarly, one
should not do a lowly activity such as washing dishes and plates [in the succah].
One may, however, rinse out drinking cups. Certainly, one may not urinate in
[the succah] even if he does so into a container, even if he might do so in his
house. He may however be intimate with his wife in the succah, as the true
mitzva is to live [in the succah] as a husband and wife. Nevertheless, if one
brought disgusting things into the succah, the succah does not become posul.
However, some say that as long as these items remain in the succah, it is posul by
rabbinic decree and one should not say [the beracha of] ‘leisheiv ba’succah’ until
he removes them. Any drinking cups and the like, should be in the succah.
םדו רשב
11. Although pots which contain food are disgraceful to the succah, but only if the
not considered disgusting, and Shulchan succah is small. ו However, the custom is to
Aruch implies that it is in fact permitted, one refrain from lighting one in a large succah as
should refrain from bringing them into the well and to only use lamps made from metal,
succah, and likewise be sure to clear the plates or wax candles (Rokeach) or a clay lamp, that is
immediately after eating (Magen Avraham) in glazed (Maharil, Darkei Moshe), and this is in
order to fulfill both opinions, as above, in the fact, the proper practice (Magen Avraham,
previous note. Those who are careful to only Mishna Berura).
remove dirty pots after the meal and are not
quick to clear the plates off the table, are 13. Beis Yosef.
making a mistake (Magen Avraham). 14. Magen Avraham.
12. The gemara (Succah 29a) tells us that 15. The Chayei Adam is the earliest source
while some say that a lamp should be placed for this statement but it is certainly a logical
inside the succah, and others say it should conclusion since it is more disgraceful than
remain outside, it is not a matter of dispute. washing dishes which is prohibited. By
Rather, a candle belongs inside the succah extension, one should not change a baby’s
unless the succah is small, lest the succah diaper in the succah (poskim), One may
catch on fire, (Tosfos, Levush) or because it is however wash his hands in the morning by his
too uncomfortable (Ritva). The Rokeach, bed (i.e. “negel vasser” - see Chayei Adam vol.
however, understands that the problem with 1 k’lal 2 and Shulchan Aruch O.C. 4) but should
bringing a candle into the succah is that the oil immediately remove the water from the
residue on the clay is disgusting and therefore succah (Aruch Hashulchan). ח