Page 311 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 311
םדא הכוסה תבישי ןיד ז - “ מק ללכ ייח
ֹו , ַּ
,ה ָּר ֵד ְּּ ק ַה ן ִמ לכ ֱאֶל ךי ִרָּצ ְּו יִל ְּכ ֹול ןי ֵא ם ִא ְּד יִל ה ֶא ְּרִנ םֹוק ָּמ לָּּכ ִמּו .הָּּכ ֻּסב ּב אֵצֹוּיַכ ְּו
תֹוא ְּר ַהְּל י ֵדכ , ְּּ ֹותיֵב ְּב אל ְּו הָּּכ ֻּסַּב ן ָּחְּל ֻ ּ ׁש ַה ה ֶּסַכי ִו ה ָּּט ִּמ ַה ַעי ִּצַיו ְּ 18 .ֹוסיִנ ְּכ ַהְּל ר ָּּת ֻמ
19 : ֹות ָּרי ִד ֹוז ןי ֵא ֶ ׁש
יִּגַס ְּד םי ִמָּע ְּפ ִד ,הָּנ ֵ ּ ׁשַל יא ַרֲע ןי ֵא ְּד ,יא ַרֲע תַנ ְּ ׁש ּו ּ ל ִפֲא הָּּכ ֻּסַל ץּוח םיִנ ֵ ׁשְּי ןיא ֵ ]ג[
ּונְּי ַה ְּד הָּּכ ֻּסַל ץּוח יַע ְּר ַא תַלי ִכֲא לכֱאֶל ר ָּּת ֻמ לָּבא ֲ 21 .עַב ֶק ּהיֵל יֵוֲהַו הֶזָּּב ׁשיִני ִאְּל
22 ,ןִיַי תֹו ּת ְּ ׁשִל ֹומ ְּצַע ַעֵבֹוק ֹוני ֵא ם ִא ןִיַי ְּו ,םִי ַמ תֹו ּת ְּ ׁשִל ר ָּּת ֻמ ןֵכו ְּ 21 ,תַ ּפ הָּציֵּבַּכ ּו ּ ל ִפֲא
,הֶז לָּכו ְּ 2 3 .ם ֶהָּּ ל ֶ ׁש תּועי ִב ְּק בּו ׁש ָּח אל א ָּריֵפ ְּד ,עַב ֶק ך ֶר ֶד ְּב ּו ּ ל ִפֲא תֹורֵּפ לכ ֱאֶל ְּו
24 .חָּּב ֻ ׁש ְּמ הֶז י ֵרֲה ,הָּּכ ֻּסַל ץּוח םִי ַמ ּו ּ ל ִפֲא תֹו ּת ְּ ׁשִל אּ ֶ ׁש ויָּלָּע רי ִמ ְּח ַּמ ַה ְּו .אָּני ִד ִמ
םדו רשב
fruits eaten as a fixed meal (see next note), leisheiv ba’succah (Chazon Ish, R’ Y. M.
drinking wine in a fixed setting would also Tukitinsky, and others), most authorities advise
require a succah. (See Beis Yosef, Perisha, following havdala with a piece of cake or full
Darkei Moshe). See however Biur HaGra who meal. (R’ S. Z. Auerbach as reported by
writes that it is never possible to create a fixed Shemiras Shabbos Kehilchasa, R’ Y. Y.
meal out of wine, and the Levush who writes Kanievsky).
that he is only exempt from succah if he drinks 23. The gemara (Yoma 79b) rules that one
wine because he is thirsty. However if he sits does not need to eat fruit in a succah.
down to drink wine, he must do so in a succah.
The Bach adds that drinking in a group is by However, the Maharam Mi’Rotenberg was
careful not to eat fruits outside of the succah,
definition a more established activity and in deference to those opinions (Yoma 79) who
would require a succah. Furthermore, the Ritva
writes that even a revi’is of wine is considered held that one must eat them in the succah.
The Rosh however rejects this approach and
‘established’ enough to require
succah. Therefore, although the Rema rules notes that even if one would wish to be
stringent, it is only a concern when eating
that one who drinks wine need not do so in a fruits in a more established fashion. When it
succah, the poskim rule stringently and require
a succah, but warn against reciting a beracha comes to fruits, the halacha clearly follows the
Rosh. See below, note 26 regarding other foods.
over drinking alone (Magen Avraham, Mishna
Berura). 24. The mishna (Succah 26b) reports that
Accordingly, one should recite havdala in Raban Gamliel had his servants bring his
the succah. However, although some consider drinking water into the succah. From this we
this sufficient enough to recite a beracha of see that one is permitted to act stringently,