Page 312 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 312
Chayei Adam - K’lal 147 - Laws of Sitting in the Succah
he must eat it in the succah. Similarly, if he eats meat or fish [measuring the
volume of] a k’beitza or more as a fixed meal, he should be stringent and eat it in
the succah. Similarly, a group of people who sit down to drink together any
drink, like ‘mei devash’ and certainly wine, should be stringent and only drink in
the succah, as some say that since he drinks in a fixed manner, it is considered a
fixed [activity] and must be done in the succah. Similarly, one should be stringent
[if he eats] fruits in a fixed manner with a group of friends. 28
]4[ That which people are accustomed to act leniently nowadays with regards
to sleeping in the succah, and only those who are extra scrupulous with mitzvos
sleep in the succah, is according to some because of the cold; since it is painful to
sleep in cold climates. Furthermore, most people don’t have a dedicated succah
in which they can sleep with their wives, which is considered distress for which a
person would be exempt, as below. However, a person should try to build a
םדו רשב
and doing so is praiseworthy, although there implying that one would have to for minei
is no halachic basis for doing so (Gemara, targima. Accordingly, one who eats an
Rambam, Rema). Furthermore, one who does established meal of cooked grain (either
not adopt this chumrah is not considered cooked as is, or made into pasta) would be
deficient in his performance of mitzvos, required to do so in a succah (Rosh, Tur,
whatsoever (Ran). Shulchan Aruch). Although most authorities
understand that this is somewhat subjective as
25. According to R’ Eliezer (Succah 27a) to whether or not he considers it a meal or a
one is obligated to eat fourteen meals in the snack, the Magen Avraham understands that
succah over the entire Succos. The gemara any amount more than a k’beitzah would
(there and in Yoma 79b) says that even R’ require a succah. Accordingly, one should only
Eliezer doesn’t require him to eat fourteen eat it in a succah, but should nevertheless not
meals of bread, but can rather fulfill this with rely on this alone, to recite a beracha of
‘minei targima’. The Tosefta (Berachos 4:4) leisheiv ba’succah. (Mishna Berura).
teaches that the beracha on minei targima is
borei minei mezonos, which implies that it is a 26. See above, note 23 that even one who
cooked dish made of grains. The gemara eats fruits in a more organized fashion, he
(Yoma 79b) attempts to prove from this that need not do so in a succah. The Rabeinu
one is not obligated to eat fruits in a succah, Peretz, however, although in agreement with