Page 317 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 317
םדא הכוסה תבישי ןיד ז - “ מק ללכ ייח
רֹ ּ ק ַה ת ַמֲח ֵּמ ֶ ׁש ֹוא ויָּנָּפְּל לי ִ ׁש ְּב ַּת ַה ןי ֵא ּו ּ ל ִפֲא ,לֵסָּ ּפִי לי ִ ׁש ְּב ַּת ַה ךֹותְּל ּול ְּּפִי ם ִא ֶ ׁש ךָּּכ
ןַיְּנ ִעְּל לָּבֲא .הָּלי ִכֲא ןַיְּנ ִעְּל א ָּק ְּו ַד ְּו .ֹותיֵב ְּב לכ ֱאֶל ר ָּּת ֻמ ,םיִנ ֵמ ְּּ ׁש ַה םיִלָּכֲא ַּמ ַה ּו ׁש ְּר ָּּ קִי
:תאֵצָּל לֹוכָּי ְּו ם ָּ ׁש ןֹ ׁשיִל ר ַעַצ יֵוֲה םי ִטָּע ֻמ םי ִמ ָּ ׁשְּג ִב ּו ּ ל ִפֲא ,הָּנ ֵ ׁש
ןי ִבְּּי ַח ְּמ ןי ֵא ,םי ִמ ָּ ׁשְּּג ּוק ְּסָּפּו ֹותיֵבְּל סַנ ְּכִנ ְּו םי ִמ ָּ ׁשְּּג ּוד ְּרָּי ְּו הָּּכ ֻּסַּב לֵכֹוא הָּיה ָּ ]ז[
הָּי ָּה ֶ ׁש ְּכ םי ִמ ָּ ׁשְּּג ןי ִד ְּרֹוי ּוי ָּה ֶ ׁש ְּכ ןי ִד ַה אּוה ְּו .ֹות ָּדּוע ְּס רמ ְּגִּי ֶ ׁש ד ַע הָּּכ ֻּסַל רז ֲחַל ֹותֹוא
קס ְּפִל ךי ִרָּצ ֹוני ֵא י ִכ ָּה ּו ּ ל ִפֲא ,ֹומ ְּצַע ח ַר ָּט אל ןִי ַדֲע ֶ ׁש בַּג לַע ף ַא ,ֹותיֵב ְּב לַכ ָּא ְּו ֹותיֵב ְּב
אָּּ ל ֶא אֵצֵי ְּו טַע ְּבִי ל ַא ,םי ִמ ָּ ׁשְּּג ת ַמֲח ֵמ אֵצֹוּי ֶ ׁש ְּכּו .ֹותיֵב ְּב ֹות ָּדּוע ְּס ר ֵמֹוּג אָּּ ל ֶא ֹות ָּדּוע ְּס
:ויָּנָּ ּפ לַע ֹוכָּפ ְּ ׁשּו ֹו ּב ַרְּל סֹו ּכ גֵזֹו ּמ ֶ ׁש דֶב ֶע ְּכ עַנ ְּכִנ ְּכ אֵצֵי
ֹותֹוא ןי ִחי ִר ְּט ַמ ןי ֵא ,םי ִמ ָּ ׁשְּּג ּוק ְּסָּפּו ֹותיֵבְּל סַנ ְּכנו ִ ְּ 47 םי ִמ ָּ ׁשְּּג ּוד ְּרָּי ְּו ן ֵ ׁשָּי הָּיה ָּ ]ח[
םדו רשב
them, but will then bring a heatwave causing commentary to the mishna (Succah 2:8) that
them to leave the succos. Although even Jews this is only true on the first night when eating
are exempt from sitting in a succah if it is too in the succah is an absolute obligation. (See
hot, they, will leave in anger, kicking the door also Bikurei Yaakov who reverses it and writes
of the succah on their way out. that rain on Succos is considered a bad sign
46. The mishna (Succah 28b) compares except on the first night when we are
rain on Succos to a servant who poured a cup obligated to eat there anyway; on the
[of wine] for his master, who was displeased contrary, Hashem gives us the rain as on
with his service and threw it back in his face. opportunity to fulfill the mitzva with more
So too, Hashem is sending us the message dedication and devotion.) The acharonim
that He doesn’t want our mitzva of succah. See explain that this does not apply to places
also the Meiri who says that implicit in this is where it typically rains during Succos.
that one should not rush out of the succah,
but rather be disturbed at the lost opportunity 47. Even a small amount of rain is
to serve the Ribono Shel Olam. See also deemed to sufficient distress to exempt one
Taanis 2a that rain on Succos is a curse, from sleeping in the succah (Rema). However,
because it prevents us from sitting in the this is only provided it started raining; if it only
succah. According to many (see for example, looks like it will rain, one should sleep in the
Tosfos meseches Taanis) this is throughout succah. (Poskim. See however the Ritva who is
Succos. See however the Rambam in his lenient if the rain is imminent. )