Page 319 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 319
םדא הכוסה תבישי ןיד ז - “ מק ללכ ייח
ד ַע ֹוצי ִקֲהַל ךי ִרָּצ ןי ֵא ,ן ֵ ׁשָּי הָּי ָּה ם ִא ְּו .ר ַח ַ ּ ׁש ַה דּו ּמַע הֶלֲעַּי ֶ ׁש ד ַע ,הָּּכ ֻּסַל תֹולֲעַל
ת ַמֲח ֵמ ֹותיֵב ְּב ן ֵ ׁשָּי הָּי ָּה ֶ ׁש י ִּפ לַע ף ַא הֶזָּּב ןי ִד ַה אּוה ְּד יִל ה ֶא ְּרִנ ְּו .ויָּל ֵא ֵמ ץי ִקָּּי ֶ ׁש
ןֹ ׁשיִל בָּּי ַח ,םי ִמ ָּ ׁשְּּג ּוק ְּסָּפּו בַכ ָּ ׁש אל ןִי ַדֲע ם ִא לָּבֲא .רָּב ְּכ בַכ ָּ ּ ׁש ֶ ׁש א ָּק ְּו ַד ְּו .םי ִמ ָּ ׁשְּּג ַה
11 :הָּּכ ֻּסַל תֹולֲעַל ךי ִרָּּצ ֶ ׁש הָּלְּיַּ ל ַה ד ַע בַכ ָּ ׁש אּ ֶ ׁש יֵוֲה ַד ידימ ,הָּּכ ֻּסַּב
םאו ִ ְּ 11 ,ֹודָּי ְּב תּו ׁש ְּר ָּה ,תַ ּפ לכ ֱאֶל אּ ֶ ׁש הֶצֹור ם ִא ְּד ,תֹו ּכ ֻּס ַה י ֵמְּי ר ָּא ְּ ׁש ִב הֶז לָּכו ְּ ]ט[
בָּּי ַח ֶ ׁש בֹוט םֹוי ְּב ּו ּ ל ִפֲאַו .תֹורֵּפ ק ַר לַכאּי ֶ ׁש י ֵר ְּמַגְּל הָּּכ ֻּס ַה ן ִמ ֹומ ְּצַע רט ְּפִל לֹוכָּי ןֵּכ
12 רּוטָּפ ְּד תַ ּפ הָּציֵּבַּכ ֹוא תִיַזַּכ אָּּ ל ֶא לַכאי אל ,הֶצ ְּרִּי ֶ ׁש ְּכ םֹוק ָּמ לָּּכ ִמ ,תַ ּפ לכ ֱאֶל
םדו רשב
although R’ Eliezer requires one to eat obligation to eat in the succah the first night
fourteen meals in the succah over the duration of Succos. The Rashba, Raavad, and the Gra,
of Succos, the Chachamim disagree, and with agree with this opinion. The Rosh, however,
the exception of the first night (as below), one explains that although one is obligated to eat
may simply choose not to eat, and therefore is bread on yom tov, if eating in the succah
under no obligation to eat in the succah. causes his distress, he is exempt and may eat
Rather, it is only if he chooses to eat, that he in his house, with the exception of the first
must do so in the succah. The rishonim discuss night, where he must eat in the succah, even if
what the gemara means by ‘choosing not eat’, it is raining. Several rishonim (S’mak, Tur, Kol
since after all, one may not fast, even on chol Bo) agree with the Rosh’s approach, and since
ha’moed, and on Shabbos and yom tov, one is the matter is undecided, the Rema rules that
obligated to eat bread as well. Tosfos answers if it is raining on the first night of Succos, one
that the distinction is in why he must do so; on should make kiddush in the succah, eat a
Shabbos and yom tov, he is obligated to eat k’zayis, and then continue eating indoors.
because it is yom tov, but not because of the
mitzva of succah, but on the first night, 52. Meaning, that one can fulfill his
however, he must eat bread, because it is obligation to eat on yom tov by eating bread
Succos. While this may seem purely academic, measuring more than a k’zayis but not more
Tosfos is quick to point out that there is a than a k’beitzah, which would not require him
practical ramification if it rains, in that one to do so in a succah. On the first night of
would be exempt from eating in the succah Succos, however, he is obligated to eat even a
and could eat his yom tov meal inside. Later, if k’zayis in the succah (Ran, explaining how the
it stops raining, he would be obligated to eat first night of Succos differs from all the
again in the succah in order to fulfill his remainder of Succos).