Page 314 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 314
Chayei Adam - K’lal 147 - Laws of Sitting in the Succah
separate succah in which he can sleep with his wife. If her mikva night is during
Succos and he cannot sleep together with his wife in a succah, if it is distressful,
he is certainly exempt. 32
]5[ A person should read and learn in the succah, but if his mind is not settled
in the succah, he can learn in his house. Otherwise, he should learn in the
succah. However, if it is too troublesome to bring many seforim to the succah, he
might be exempt, but if he can leave them there the entire yom tov, he must do
so, because this is not considered too much trouble. Similarly, someone who
davens at home, if his mind is settled, he should daven in the succah, but if not, he
should daven inside. However, if there is a shul, he should go [and daven] in
shul. One should make havdala in the succah. 36
]6[ One should sit in the succah like he does in his house. Therefore, if it
rains so much that he assesses that if he were in his own home and it was
raining, he would get up and move to a different room, then when he sits in the
succah and it rains, he can leave. If it rained so much that if it drips into the
םדו רשב
both take issue with this approach because if 31. See above, note 16 regarding marital
so, it shouldn’t be a valid succah even for intimacy in the succah.
eating in during the day (see below siman 19).
Instead, the Taz offers that since he has a 32. Since it is a mitzva to be intimate with
mitzva to make his wife happy, which is his wife on the night she goes to the mikva
something he cannot do if he is absent. (Shulchan Aruch Even HaEzer 76:4) and
Accordingly, he is exempt since he is involved subsequently relocating to the succah would
in a different mitzva. The Magen Avraham be considered distressful (Mishna Berura).
suggests that his exemption is on account of 33. See note 5 above.
the distress he suffers having to sleep alone,
away from his wife. While one may rely on 34. The Elya Rabba writes that it all
these explanations (if they hold true for him) depends on the trouble involved in bringing
one who tries to solve these issues by heating and leaving one’s seforim in the succah for the
his succah or building a separate private duration of Succos. See also Bikurei Yaakov
succah for him and his wife to sleep in, is who writes that one who goes to tremendous
praiseworthy (poskim). efforts to be able to stay in the succah as