Page 329 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 329

םדא                      הכוסה תבישי ןיד   ז -    “ מק ללכ                   ייח

              ם ֶדֹק הָּּכ ֻּסַּב םי ִב ְּ ׁשֹוי ם ִא ּו ּ ל ִפֲאַו .הָּלי ִכֲא תַע ְּ ׁש ִב אָּּ ל ֶא םי ִכ ְּרָּב ְּמ םָּני ֵא ֶ ׁש םי ִק ְּסֹו ּפ ַה
              ,הָּלי ִכֲא ָּה לַע ןי ִכ ְּרָּב ְּּמ ֶ ׁש הָּכ ָּר ְּב ִד ּוהְּל א ָּרי ִב ְּס ִד ,םי ִכ ְּרָּב ְּמ םָּני ֵא ,הָּע ָּ ׁש הֶזי ֵא הָּלי ִכֲא
              ןֹוכָּּנ ַה ןֵכָּל ְּו .הָּכ ָּר ְּב אל ְּב ךָּּכ ב ֵ ׁשֵּי ֶ ׁש רָּב ָּד ַה ןֹוכָּנ ןי ֵא םֹוק ָּמ לָּּכ ִמּו .לּכ ַה ת ֶר ֶטֹו ּפ אי ִה
              לֵכֹוא ֹוני ֵא ֶ ׁש ף ַא ְּו ,םיִני ִמ 'ה ֵמ אּוה ֶ ׁש רָּב ָּד לַע ך ֵרָּבְּי ,ת ֶסֶנ ְּכ ַה תיֵּב ִמ ֹואֹוב ְּב ףֶכ ֵּת ֶ ׁש
              ר ַח ַא ך ֵרָּבְּי אל ְּו הָּּכ ֻּסַּב ב ֵ ׁשיֵל ך ֵרָּבְּי ,ויָּלָּע ַעֵבֹוק אּוה ֶ ׁש ןָּויכ    ּב אֵצֹוּיַכ ְּו תִיַזַּכ אָּּ ל ֶא
                                                                              ֹו ,  ֵּ
                                                                                   :הָּלי ִכֲא תַע ְּ ׁש ִב ךָּּכ
              לָּבֲא .תיִנ ֵ ׁש ך ֵרָּבְּל ךי ִרָּצ ,הָּּכ ֻּסַל רֵזֹוח ְּו ת ֶסֶנ ְּכ ַה תיֵבְּל ךֵלֹוה ֶ ׁש ְּכ א ָּמְּלָּע יֵּ לֻכלּו   ְּ  ]די[
              אָּצָּי אל ּו ּ ל ִפֲאַו .ך ֵרָּב ְּמּו רֵזֹוח ֹוני ֵא ,םי ִמָּע ְּּפ 'י לַכאּי ֶ ׁש ף ַא ,הָּּכ ֻּסַּב םֹוּי ַה לָּּכ ב ֵ ׁשֹוּי ֶ ׁש ְּכ
                                      81 :ֹו ּת ְּע ַד  ַחי ִּס ִה אּ ֶ ׁש ןָּויֵּכ ך ֵרָּב ְּמ ֹוני ֵא ,ֹותָּּכ ֻּס ִמ םי ִמָּי הָּע ְּב ִ ׁש לָּּכ
              ֹותֹוא ְּב תַ ּפ לכ ֱאֶל ֹו ּת ְּע ַד ְּב ןי ֵא ם ִא ןי ִד ַה אּוה ְּד יִל ה ֶא ְּרִנ ,תֹו ּכ ֻס ְּב הֶּנַע ְּת ִּמ ַהו   ְּ  ]וט[
              ,תַ ּפ לֵכֹוא ֶ ׁש ְּכ א ָּק ְּו ַדד   ְּ ּ  81 ,   ך ֵרָּבְּל בָּּי ַח ,ה ָּרּומ ְּּג ה ָּאי ִצְּי אָּצָּּי ֶ ׁש ת ַמי ֵא לָּּכ א ָּמְּלָּע יֵּ לֻכְּל ,םֹוי
                                                       םדו רשב
              a  short  time,  such  as  to  daven  mincha  or   in vain. Although the Bach and Taz disagree
              maariv.  See  however  Shaar  Hatziyun  who   and maintain that since we recite a beracha on
              understands  the  Magen  Avraham’s  reason  is   eating,  the  mitzva  is  essentially  completed
              because  walking  the  distance  alone  is   when  they  bentch,  the  Magen  Avraham  and
              considered  enough  of  an  interruption.    many  others  understand  that  although  we
              However,  many  disagree  with  this,  and   follow Rabeinu Tam and only recite a beracha
              accordingly,  one  would  not  be  required  to   before  eating,  that  is  because  it  is  the  main
              recite  a  new  beracha  upon  return.  Practically   part of the mitzva, but does not conclude until
              speaking,  he  rules  that  if  one  already  recited   he leaves the succah. See Shaar Hatziyun who
              birkas  ha’mazon  and  begins  a  new  meal,  he   writes that if there are other reasons to recite
              can recite a new beracha on the succah as well.   a new beracha such as one who left the succah
              If he is merely continuing his meal, he should   for  a  short  time  (see  above,  previous  note)
              not.                                         between  meals,  some  permit  reciting  a  new
                                                           beracha in light of this opinion of the Taz.
              80.    The  Levush  writes  that  those  who
              recite a beracha of leisheiv every time they eat   81.   Although  it  is  prohibited  to  fast  on
              even though they remained in the succah, are   yom  tov  or  chol  ha’moed,  one  who  has  an
              making a terrible mistake and their beracha is   extremely disturbing dream may fast, even on
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