Page 333 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 333
םדא הכוסה תבישי ןיד ז - “ מק ללכ ייח
הָּּנִצ ת ַמֲח ֵמ הָּּכ ֻּסַּב ב ֵ ׁשיֵל ר ֵע ַט ְּצ ִמ ַה ךָּכי ִפְּל ,ּורּוד ָּּת ןי ֵע ְּכ ּוב ְּ ׁש ֵּת ןָּל א ָּמיְּי ַק ְּד ןָּויכ ֵּ ]חי[
ן ִמ רּוטָּ ּפ ,הֶז ר ַעַּצ ִמ לֵצָּּנִי הָּּכ ֻּסַל ץּוח אֵצֵי ם ִא ְּו ,ר ֵח ַא רָּב ָּד ֹוא ע ָּר ַחי ֵר ֹוא ַחּור ָּה ֹוא
לכ ֱאֶל ר ָּּת ֻמ ,ֹותיֵב ְּב רֵנ ֹול ׁשֵי ְּו תָּּב ַ ׁש ְּב הָּּכ ֻּסַּב תֹורֵּנ ַה ֹול ּובָּּכ ֶ ׁש י ִמ ךָּכי ִפְּלּו .הָּּכ ֻּס ַה
ןי ֵא ֶ ׁש י ִמ ֹוא ןָּּנֻצ ְּמ ַה ןֵכ ְּו .רָּב ָּדַּב לֹודָּּג ח ַרט ׁשֵי ם ִא ֹורֵבֲח תַּכ ֻסְּל ךֵליֵל ךי ִרָּצ ןי ֵא ְּו ֹותיֵב ְּב
וי ָּדָּי טֹ ׁש ְּפִל לֹוכָּי ֹוני ֵא ֶ ׁש ,הָּּכ ֻּסַּב ןֹ ׁשיִל םֹוק ָּּמ ַה ֹול רַצ ם ִא ְּו .רּוטָּ ּפ יּוא ָּרָּּכ םי ִדָּג ְּב ֹול
89 . )דֹא ְּמ הֶז ִמ ר ֵע ַט ְּצ ִּמ ֶ ׁש ׁשֵי ְּד ם ָּד ָּא אּוה ֶ ׁש ה ַמ י ִפְּל לֹ ּכ ַה ְּד יִל ה ֶא ְּרִנ ְּו( 'ה ק"ס מ"רת ן ָּמי ִס ז" ַט ןֵּיַע ,ויָּלְּג ַר ְּו
ם ִא ןֵכ ְּו ,הֶזָּּב ר ֵע ַט ְּצ ִהְּל ם ָּד ָּא יֵנ ְּב ך ֶר ֶד ֶ ׁש רָּב ָּד ְּב אָּּ ל ֶא יִנ ֲא ר ֵע ַט ְּצ ִמ ר ַמֹול ם ָּד ָּא לַכּוי אל ְּו
ף ַא ר ַעַּצ ַה הֶז ִמ ֹומ ְּצַע לי ִּצ ַהְּל לֹוכָּי ם ִא לָּבֲא .ר ַעַּצ ַה הֶז ִמ הָּּכ ֻּסַּב לֵצָּּנ ִהְּל לַכּוי אל
ַחי ִּס ַהְּל לֹוכָּּי ֶ ׁש דֹוע ְּו ,הֶז ִמ לֵצָּּנִי אל תִיַּבַּב ף ַא ְּד ,הָּּכ ֻּסַּב בָּּי ַח לֵב ָּא ךָּכי ִפְּלּו .בָּּי ַח ,הָּּכ ֻּסַּב
,ךָּכ ְּּסַבּו .דַּצ ַה ן ִמ דֶג ֶּב ֹוא ןי ִדָּס ֹשר ְּפִל ר ָּּת ֻמ ,תֹורֵּנ ַה תֹו ּבַכְּל ַחּור אָּּב ם ִא ְּו .ֹו ּבִּ ל ִמ ר ַעַּצ ַה
:ז"ל ן ָּמי ִס ם ֵדֹו ּ ק ַה לָּל ְּכַּב לי ֵעְּל ר ֵאָּּב ְּתִנ
םדו רשב
is codified by the Rema. The Taz explains that was finicky and therefore exempt (Bach). The
since a succah measuring seven by seven Taz however explains that although there is a
tefachim is kosher, it is clear that sleeping in a category of people who are called finicky and
smaller confined place is not considered a one who falls into this category is indeed
valid reason to exempt one from sleeping in exempt, one who is not cannot make such a
the succah. The poskim however write that if claim of exemption (Magen Avraham, Shulchan
one made his succah larger but then was Aruch HaRav, and Chayei Adam here. See
forced to sleep in a confined space, he may be however Bikurei Yaakov who disagrees).
exempt if he is distressed by doing so. This is Similarly, even finicky people are only exempt
especially true for one who lives more if the circumstances are considered distressing
luxuriously (Nahar Shalom as quoted by for most such people.
Mishna Berura). It seems that the Chayei Adam 91. See however Taz who opines that this
here employs the same line of reasoning. ונ
may not necessarily be so.
90. The Tur writes that the exemption of 92. Spreading a sheet from the side to
distress is not subjective in that each person block the wind is permitted even on Shabbos
can decide for himself, but is rather limited to or yom tov, and is not considered a forbidden
anything which many people find distressing. activity of building. Spreading the sheet over
The gemara however records how Rav Yosef the s’chach to block the wind might be a
left the succah when a gust of wind blew chips violation of Shabbos under certain
of wood into the succah, explaining that he circumstances. Regarding doing so on chol