Page 338 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 338
Chayei Adam - K’lal 147 - Laws of Sitting in the Succah
because the mitzva is] like one lives, [meaning that] just like all year long one
rests at an inn during the day for a few hours. Furthermore, this is no less of a
distress than going to his friend’s succah. At night, however, since he will be
resting the entire night, he must go to a succah. 106 If, however, he must build a
succah, he would have to be busy with it most of the night, or at least a few
hours, which is not as he [would normally] live. 107 [Nevertheless,] all agree that he
doesn’t have to wait to eat until he builds a succah. Just like when it rains, we
don’t require him to wait, but rather, since he wants to eat and doesn’t have a
succah, he is exempt, and the same applies here. Those who travel to villages
should be stringent and return home. If they are in one place for several days,
they are obligated to build a succah there. 108 Nevertheless, it is permitted for
travelers to be machmir. 109
]23[ Those people who sit in a store during the day must go home to eat in
םדו רשב
106. Chayei Adam’s note: And then, build a succah when he stops at night, even if
there is no difficulty in that which the it involves great efforts. The Chayei Adam here
Magen Avraham asked that if so, day and offers that while when travelling during the
night are equal. day, one need not go out of his way to search
The Levush writes that during the day, for a succah or even wait until he reaches one
one does not have to wait to eat until he finds in order to rest or eat, at night he must wait
a succah to eat in, but at night, if there is a until he exerts himself and go to the place
succah, he must eat and sleep in it, but if he where there is a succah. If one is not available
stops overnight to stay among non-Jews, he is in that place, he is exempt and need not build
not obligated to build a succah there. The one.
Magen Avraham is bothered by this statement
on two counts: First of all, he questions why 107. Chayei Adam’s note: And that
the Levush equates staying among non-Jews which Tosfos and the Ran write that when
as stopping in a transitory place. Furthermore, he gets to a settled place meaning a place
he understands the Levush to mean that one is where there is a succah and so is implied by
only obligated to sit in a succah at night, if it is the words of the Orchos Chaim cited by the
readily available. If this is the case, why should Beis Yosef. Nevertheless, one who is
he be exempt during the day. Based on this, stringent, is praiseworthy.
the Magen Avraham rules that one should The Orchos Chaim and the Ran write