Page 341 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 341
םדא הכוסה תבישי ןיד ז - “ מק ללכ ייח
יֵכְּלֹוה א ָּק ְּו ַד ְּד ,רי ִעָּל ץּוח ר ָּד אּוה ְּו רי ִע ָּה ךֹות ְּב תּונֲח ַה ֶ ׁש ְּכ ּו ּ ל ִפֲא הָּּכ ֻּסַל ם ֶהי ֵּתָּבל ְּ
:ֹותיֵב ְּב ב ֵ ׁשֹוּי ַה אל לָּבֲא ,םי ִרּוט ְּּפ םי ִכ ָּר ְּד
זּוזָּל לֹוכָּי ןי ֵא א ָּה ְּד ,הָּלְּיַּ לַּב ןיֵבּו םֹוּיַּב ןיֵּב םי ִרּוט ְּּפ םי ִס ֵד ְּרַפּו תֹוּנ ִּג י ֵר ְּמֹוש ׁ ]דכ[
,ַעּוב ָּק םֹוק ָּמ ר ֵמֹו ּ ׁש ַהְּל ׁשֵּי ֶ ׁש בָּּנַּג ַה ע ַדָּי ם ִא ְּד ,ם ָּת ָּה הָּּכ ֻס ה ֶשֲעַּי ֶ ׁש ר ַמֹול ןי ֵא ְּו .ם ָּ ּ ׁש ִמ
םֹוק ָּּמ ִמ ֹו ּ לֻּכ רמ ְּ ׁשִל לֹוכָּּי ֶ ׁש ֹו ּב אֵצֹוּיַכ ְּו י ִר ְּכ ר ֵמֹו ׁש הָּי ָּה ם ִא ךָּכי ִפְּל .ר ֵח ַא דַּצ ִמ בֹנ ְּגִי
לָּּכ ם ָּ ׁשְּל סיִנ ְּכ ַהְּל לֹוכָּי ֹוני ֵא ֶ ׁש י ִּפ לַע ף ַא ְּו .ר ֵמֹו ּ ׁש ֶ ׁש םֹוק ָּמ ְּב הָּּכ ֻס תֹוֹשֲעַל בָּּי ַח ,ד ָּח ֶא
,תֹו ּכ ֻּסַּב י ִר ְּכָּּנ ַה לֶצ ֵא ןִיַי ןי ִשֹוע ָּה ְּו .הָּנ ָּ ּ ׁש ַה לָּּכ ך ֶר ֶד ְּכ ם ָּ ׁש ר ָּד םֹוק ָּמ לָּּכ ִמ ,ויָּלֵּכ
םֹוק ָּּמ ִמ רמ ְּ ׁשִל לֹוכָּי ם ִא י ֵּמַנ י ִכ ָּה ְּו .י ִר ְּכָּּנ ַה ם ֶהָּּב עַּגִי אּ ֶ ׁש רמ ְּ ׁשִל םי ִכי ִר ְּצ ִד ,םי ִרּוט ְּּפ
112 :בָּּי ַח ,ד ָּח ֶא
אל ןֵכָּל ְּו ,א ָּמ ָּרְּּג ן ַמְּז ַה ֶ ׁש ה ֵשֲע תַו ְּצ ִמ יֵוֲה ַד ,הָּּכ ֻּס ַה ן ִמ םי ִרּוט ְּּפ םי ִדָּבֲעַו םישָּנ ִ ׁ ]הכ[
113 .םי ִכ ְּרָּב ְּמ ם ָּמ ְּצַע ם ֵה לָּבֲא .ּוכ ְּרֵּב רָּב ְּכ ם ִא ם ָּאי ִצֹוהְּל םָּלי ִב ְּ ׁש ִב םי ִ ׁשָּנֲא ּוכ ְּרָּבְּי
בָּּי ַח וי ִב ָּא ןי ֵא ,היֵפ ְּרּוח י ִפְּל ד ַח לָּּכ 'ו ֹוא 'ה ןֶב ְּכ ּונְּי ַה ְּד ,ם ָּּמ ִאְּל םי ִכי ִר ְּּצ ֶ ׁש םיִנ ַט ְּקּו
םדו רשב
though he cannot bring his personal items. 113. See above, k’lal 141 siman 3 and the
notes there, as the same applies to the mitzva
112. See Yoreh De’ah 123 that wine of succah.
requires special supervision; in order to ensure
that wine was not offered as an idolatrous 114. Since women are exempt from succah,
libation, Chazal forbade any wine touched by a child who needs his mother close by is also
a non-Jew. Accordingly, wine production exempt. Regarding hilchos eiruvin, the gemara
requires constant supervision. The S’mak and defines a child as one who is six or seven
Kol Bo compare this to one who guards a which might be understood to mean their
field. Nevertheless, if the wine is in the sixth or seventh year, depending on the
courtyard, it is possible to sufficiently guard it child’s maturity. Beyond this age, a boy’s
while sitting in a succah there; it is comparable father is obligated to train him in mitzvos, and
to a pile of fruits, as above (previous note) in others may certainly not feed him (a meal)
which case he must build a succah (Magen outside of the succah. Some write that if his
Avraham). father is around, a child is obligated to sleep in