Page 342 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 342

Chayei Adam - K’lal 147 - Laws of Sitting in the Succah

              older than this, his father is obligated to train him to do mitzvos and even others
              are forbidden to give [an older child] food to eat outside of the succah.  115

              ]26[  The  laws  of  kiddush  and  the  berachos  of  shehecheyanu,  and  over  the
              succah on the first and second nights, are explained in the halachos of kiddush,
              k’lal 79. 116

              ]27[  The  custom,  on  the  rest  of  Succos,  is  to  recite  leisheiv  ba’succah  after
              ha’motzi,  before  tasting  from  the  bread  and  beginning  the  meal.  117   That  is,
              according to the custom that we only recite a beracha when eating. [Therefore]
              the beracha on the succah is not a hefsek between ha’motzi and eating because it
              is  like  all  other  needs  of  the  meal  which  are  not  [considered]  an
              interruption. 118   On Shabbos and yom tov when we recite kiddush, we make the
              beracha after kiddush. 119   Yet, according to the basic law that one should recite

                                                        םדו רשב
              the succah from a slightly younger age, since   night (in chutz la’aretz) as well, and there is no
              he  is  less  dependent  on  his  mother  (Elya   need for a new fruit or new item of clothing as
              Rabba,  Bikurei  Yaakov).    See  also  Aruch   one  should  do  on  Rosh  Hashana  (see  above
              Hashulchan  who  writes  that  the  custom  is  to   end  of  k’lal  139  and  notes  there).    However
              be  lenient  with  this  in  colder  climates  where   unlike  the  first  night  of  Succos  where  the
              severe weather conditions are detrimental to a   shehecheyanu is recited not only over the yom
              child’s health.                              tov  but over the mitzva of succah as well, the
                                                           second  night  it  only  applies  to  the  yom  tov.
              115.   Chayei  Adam’s  note:    See  the  laws   Accordingly, while on the first night of Succos,
              of educating a child, k’lal 66.     There    one  should  recite  the  beracha  or  leisheiv
              the Chayei Adam devotes an entire k’lal to the   before  the  shehecheyanu  (since  it  applies  to
              obligations  and  halachos  of  training  children   both),  on  the  second  night,  the  order  is
              in the performance of mitzvos and restrictions   reversed. See there, however, that the  matter
              of the Torah.                                is actually the subject of debate, where some
                                                           don’t  reverse  the  order.  Both  customs  are
              116.   There,  he  explains  that  unlike  on   valid.
              Shabbos, kiddush on yom tov is only a rabbinic
              enactment. He also explains that the  beracha   117.   See  further  regarding  the  beracha  of
              of  shehecheyanu  is  recited  on  the  second   leisheiv on the first night of Succos, when it is

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