Page 336 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 336
Chayei Adam - K’lal 147 - Laws of Sitting in the Succah
]21[ People who travel on a mitzva mission 102 are exempt from sitting in the
succah, both during the day and the night, even if they only travel during the
day. 103 However, this is only if they have to trouble themselves to find a succah,
but if it doesn’t involve any trouble, they must sit in the succah. The same is true
if they can’t sleep in the succah because they will need more energy the next day;
if they won’t be able to properly fulfill their mission, they are pature. 104
]22[ People who travel during the day are exempt from succah during the day
and they don’t have to wait [to eat] until they find a succah. Similarly, those who
travel at night [are exempt] but when they reach a settled place they must build a
succah there, according to the Magen Avraham. 105 However, the Levush writes
that those who travel during the day do not need to wait until they get to a place
where there is a succah, but at night when they arrive at a place where there is a
succah, they must eat and sleep in the succah. This implies that during the day,
even if they reach a place where there is a succah, they don’t need to go there to
eat in a succah. Certainly, the Levush doesn’t mean that if they rest during the day
in a place where there is a succah that they are exempt, since there is no bother,
but rather [he means] that practically during the day, he doesn’t need to wait.
Also, if he enters a city where there are Jews and non-Jews and his host is not
Jewish, he doesn’t need to travel to the Jewish area to eat in a succah. [This is
םדו רשב
102. Regarding one who travels for night, even when not traveling. Although the
pleasure, see the next k’lal. One who travels Mordechai and Ohr Zarua write that his
for the sake of a mitzva is exempt, even when exemption is automatic (since he is involved in
not travelling (see further) because he is another mitzva), others (Rosh, Ran, Tosfos)
preoccupied with fulfilling another mitzva. If, explain that the reason he is exempt is
however, he is paid for his service and this is because if he would be required to search for
his primary motivation, he does not fall into or build a succah when he stops overnight, it
this category and is obligated in succah when would detract from his ability to complete the
he is not actually travelling (Biur Halacha). mitzva the next day, and the Magen Avraham
rules accordingly.
103. The gemara (Succah 26a) teaches us
that one who is on a mission of a mitzva is 104. See above that if a succah is readily
exempt from sitting in the succah, day and available, one should sleep there, even when