Page 355 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 355

םדא                      םינימ  ‘ דו בלול ןיד  -     ח “ מק ללכ                   ייח

              לָּבֲא .ץֵצֹוח ֹוני ֵא ֹוני ִמ ְּב ןי ִמ ְּד , ׁשּוחָּל ןי ֵא ,ןיִני ִּמ ַה ןיֵּב קי ִס ְּפ ַּמ ֶ ׁש בַּג לַע ף ַא ה ָּדֻג ֲא ָּה
              יֵוֲה ,יֹונְּל אל םַג ְּו ֹוני ִמ ֹוני ֵא ֶ ׁש אּוה ְּד ןָּויֵכ ְּד ,ץֵצֹוח ,ס ַדֲה ַה ן ֶהָּּב ןי ִכ ְּרֹו ּכ ֶ ׁש ןי ִטּוח ַה
              בֹוט םֹוי ְּב ֹודְּג ָּאְּל רּוס ָּא ,ה ָּדֻג ֲא ָּה ר ַּתּוה ֶ ׁש ֹוא םֹוי דֹוע ְּב ִמ ֹודָּג ֲא אל ם ִא ְּו .הָּצי ִצֲח
              ּו ּ ל ֵא םיִני ִמ 'ג תֹובי ִב ְּס ןי ִכ ְּרֹו ּכ ֶ ׁש ןיִגֲהֹוּנ ֶ ׁש ֹומ ְּכ ֹוא ,הָּביִנֲעַּב ֹודְּג ָּאְּל אָּּ ל ֶא ר ֶ ׁש ֶק ְּב
              ה ָּר ְּד ִּ ׁש ַה בָּלּו ּ ל ַה ל ּטִל טּו ׁשָּ ּפ ַה ג ָּהְּנ ִּמ ַה ְּו .ךּורָּּכ ַה לּוּג ִע ָּה ךֹו ּת ך ַר ְּכ ַה  ׁשאר םי ִבֲחֹות ְּו

              ס ַדֲה ַה רֹ ׁש ְּקִל  ׁשֵיו    ְּ  21  .לאמ ְּּש ִמ הָּב ָּרֲע ָּה ְּו ,בָּלּו ּ ל ַה ןי ִמי ִמ ס ַדֲה ַה ןי ִר ְּ ׁשֹוקו    ְּ  24  .ויָּנָּ ּפ דֶגֶנ
              ל ּטִּי ֶ ׁש י ֵד ְּכ בָּלּו ּ ל ַה ףֹוס ְּב הָּב ָּרֲע ָּה ְּו ס ַדֲה ַה לי ִּפ ְּ ׁשַי ְּו .הָּב ָּרֲע ָּה ן ִמ ר ֵתֹוי  ַּהֹובָּּג טַע ְּמ

                                                          27 :םי ִר ָּ ׁש ְּק 'ג בָּלּו ּ לַּב ןי ִשֹועו   ְּ  26 .ֹודָּי ְּב ן ָּּת ְּ ׁשָּל ְּ ׁש

              ל ּטִי אלו    ְּ  28  .ןיִני ִמ 'ג  ׁשֵי בָּלּו ּ לַּב ֶ ׁש י ִפְּל לאמ ְּש ִב גֹור ְּת ֶא ָּה ְּו ןי ִמָּי ְּב ה ָּדֻג ֲא ָּה לטִי   ּ  ]ז[
                                                        םדו רשב
              together in a permissible way such as by tying   visible to others.
              a bow, or wrapping a string around the lulav     27.   Although  the  gemara  only  speaks  of
              (like a coil) and tucking the ends into the coil   whether or not there is an obligation to bind
              (Tur).  The Rema however, based on the words
              of  the  Mordechai,  recommends  binding  it  in   the  lulav,  hadasim,  and  aravos  together  (see
                                                           above, note 19), the Mordechai writes that one
              this fashion during the week as well.        should  also  tie  the  lulav  together  in  three

              24.    Based  on  the  writings  of  the  Arizal.   places - corresponding to the three  avos - in
              This  is  indeed  the  prevalent  custom  (Mishna   an  effort  to  keep  it  closed.  Although  the  Taz
              Berura).                                     counts the knot which binds the hadasim and
                                                           aravos to the lulav as one of these three, the
              25.    Magen  Avraham  (quoting  the  Shelah   Elya  Rabba  understands that there should be
              and Mateh Moshe).                            three additional knots. There are several other
                                                           customs  as  well  and  each  person  should
              26.    The Darkei Moshe cites the Mahari Veil   observe  his  own.    The  top  knot  however,
              that  one  should  position  the  hadasim  higher   should be at least one tefach below the top of
              than the aravos, explaining that the reason is   the  lulav’s  spine  so  that  one  can  shake  his
              based  on  kabalah.  See  however  the  Levush   lulav (Mishna Berura).
              who  offers  a  more  pragmatic  approach,
              arguing that the hadasim are more important   28.   Succah 37b. See also Magen Avraham
              than the aravos since they are mentioned first   who adds that since the beracha mentions the
              in the posuk. Moreover, if one were to position   lulav  specifically,  one  should  hold  it  in  the
              the  two  equally,  its  presence  might  not  be   right hand.
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