Page 357 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 357
םדא םינימ ‘ דו בלול ןיד - ח “ מק ללכ ייח
'ֹוג ְּו ףַנֲעַו םי ִר ָּמ ְּת תֹ ּפַּכ ,ר ָּד ָּה ץ ֵע י ִר ְּּפ" בּותָּּכ ַה ן ָּר ְּד ִס ךָּּכ ֶ ׁש ,ת ַח ַא דָּי ְּב םיִני ִמ 'ד לָּּכ
םיִני ִמ 'ג בּותָּּכ ַה רֵּב ִח ֶ ׁש י ֵרֲה ,"םי ִר ָּמ ְּת תֹ ּפַכ ְּו" בי ִת ְּכ אל בָּלּו ּ לַּב לָּבֲא ."ל ַחָּנ יֵב ְּר ַע ְּו
ןיֵּב ,םָּלֹועְּל ם ֵדי ִר ְּפַי אל ְּו ד ַחַי ם ָּר ְּב ַחְּל ךי ִרָּצ םֹוק ָּמ לָּּכמּו ִ 29 .ֹו ּדַבְּל גֹור ְּת ֶא ְּו ד ַחַי ְּב
לָּּכ לאמ ְּש ִב אּוה ֶ ׁש ֹו ּ ל ֶ ׁש ןי ִמָּי ְּב בָּלּו ּ ל ַה ל ֵטֹונ ר ֵּטאו ִ ְּ 31 .הָּפ ָּּ ק ַהַב ןיֵבּו םי ִעּונ ְּעִנ ַה תַע ְּ ׁש ִב
לָּּכ ןיֵבּו ר ֵּט ִא ןיֵּב םֹוק ָּמ לָּּכמּו ִ 31 .ם ָּד ָּא לָּּכ ןי ִמְּי אּוה ֶ ׁש ֹו ּ ל ֶ ׁש לאמ ְּּשַּב גֹור ְּת ֶא ְּו ,ם ָּד ָּא
תַע ַד ְּד ב ַתָּּכ ר"או .אָּצָּי אל ְּד םי ִר ְּמֹוא ׁשֵי ְּד ,הָּכ ָּר ְּב אל ְּב ּוּנֶל ְּטִי ְּו רז ֲחַי ,ךֵּפ ִה ם ִא ם ָּד ָּא
33 :ם ָּד ָּא לָּכ ְּכ אּוה י ֵרֲה ,וי ָּדָּי 'ב ְּב טֵלֹושו ׁ ְּ 32 .אָּצָּי ,ףיִל ֱח ֶה ם ִא ְּד םי ִק ְּסֹו ּפ ַה לָּּכ
,לאמ ְּש ַעֹורְּז ִב גֹור ְּת ֶא ְּו ןי ִמָּי ַעֹורְּז ִב בָּלּו ּ ל ַה לטִי ּ 34 ,לָּל ְּכ םִי ַדָּי ֹול ןי ֵא ֶ ׁש םד ֵּ ִּג ]ח[
,דָּי ֹותֹוא ְּב בָּלּו ּ ל ַה ל ּטִי ,ת ַח ַא דָּי ֹול ׁשֵי םאו ִ ְּ 3 1 .דָּּיַּב ם ֶּת ְּח ַקְּלּו בי ִת ְּכ אל י ֵרֲה ֶ ׁש
36 :ַעֹורְּזַּב ,גֹור ְּת ֶא ְּו .ןי ִמָּי ֹול ְּצ ֶא דָּּי ַה םָּלֹועְּל ִד
םדו רשב
32. The Darkei Moshe writes that holding 35. The purification process of a metzora
the lulav in one’s right and the esrog in the left involves sprinkling the blood of the korban on
hand is only l’chatchila, but even if he reversed the right thumb. There is a dispute in the
it, he fulfills his obligation nonetheless. The gemara about someone doesn’t have a right
Nachalas Tzvi, however, understands that this thumb: The first opinion says that he cannot
is only true of a left-handed person who holds become purified, although R’ Eliezer says to
his arba minim like a right-handed person. put it on the place where the thumb would be
However, the Elya Rabba refutes and dismisses and R’ Shimon holds should put it on the left
his opinion. See also Magen Avraham who thumb. The Rokeach says the same applies
cites the opinion of Rabeinu Chananel that here and that one who is missing a hand
one who switches the positioning does not should hold the lulav with his arm (i.e. with his
fulfill his obligation. elbow or armpit). Even according to the
Rambam who rules that it is not possible for
33. Meaning if he is fully ambidextrous. If,
however, his left hand is stronger, he is this metzora to become tahor (like the opinion
of R’ Eliezer) he can still hold the lulav under
considered left-handed, even if he is able to his arm as the Torah makes no mention of
accomplish all tasks with his right as well
(poskim). holding it one’s hand (Magen Avraham).
34. The same is true of one whose hand is 36. Even if it is his left hand, this is the
injured, extremely sore or wrapped up (Aruch one which is more functional and is thus
Hashulchan) considered like an average person’s right