Page 362 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 362
Chayei Adam - K’lal 148 - Laws of Lulav & Daled Minim
forbidden to say a beracha more than once a day. He must hold [the lulav] in his
hand. If he wraps a cloth around the lulav or places it in a container and holds
the container, he doesn’t fulfill his obligation; as this is considered taking it by
way of something else it is considered a chatzitza and he doesn’t fulfill his
obligation. If he holds the container by the handle or holds the container in the
palm of his hands he doesn’t fulfill his obligation since he is taking it by way of
something else in a disgraceful way. If he wraps a cloth around his hands or
wears gloves, some say he fulfills his obligation because they are nullified to his
hands, and some say he doesn’t fulfill the mitzva. Therefore he should take it
again without a beracha. One should remove his tefillin before taking the lulav
since the lulav is a sign, although he need not be concerned that [his tefillin] are a
chatzitza. The same is true of a ring worn on the finger; it is not a chatzitza since it
doesn’t cover the entire hand. Nevertheless, the custom is to remove rings
beforehand. Some say that even b’dieved it interferes with the mitzva and so he
should take [the lulav] again without a beracha. 50
םדו רשב
and continue holding it while going to visit the cloth. Since the Torah commands us to take a
ill etc, after davening (Succah 41b). Clearly lulav, Rabbah warns against it. Rava, however,
then, there is no issue of adding on to the disagrees and explains that although he
mitzva or of moving muktza in shaking the doesn’t hold it directly, this is considered a
lulav again. One may only recite one beracha, sufficient ‘taking’. Elsewhere (Succah 42a) the
however, because once he has fulfilled his gemara qualifies that although indirectly
obligation, he can’t say another beracha over holding the lulav is sufficient to be considered
that mitzva. taking, this is only true if it is done in an
honorable way. Carrying the lulav in a
47. See Succah 37a that Rabbah warns container however, does not qualify.
one who wraps his lulav in gold or silver to It would seem though that as long as he
decorate it, should be sure to leave part of it picks it up in an honorable way, there would
exposed so that he can hold it without the be no issue of the container serving as a
gold or silver serving as a chatzitza between chatzitza between his hand and the lulav. The
the lulav and his hand. Rava disagrees; he Ran in fact, understands that most of the time,
explains that since it is there to decorate the a chatzitza will not invalidate the mitzva of
lulav, it is batul to it and there is therefore no taking the lulav: Anything that is considered
issue of chatzitza. Then, the gemara deals with secondary to the hand or the lulav is of no
someone who holds his lulav in a piece of concern. Only if it doesn’t service either (i.e. is