Page 364 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 364

Chayei Adam - K’lal 148 - Laws of Lulav & Daled Minim

              ]11[  If one didn’t say the beracha before picking it up, he can still say it because
              shaking it is also a part of the mitzva.  However, it is not clear if this extends to
              circling [during hoshanos], as this is only a remembrance of the Beis HaMikdash.
              However,  once  he  puts  it  down  after  he  has  completed  the  mitzva,  he  can  no
              longer say a beracha.

              ]12[   It appears to me that if they didn’t bring him a lulav until the middle of
              hallel, that he may recite a beracha between the perakim, meaning between each
              chapter of Tehillim. 53

              ]13[   After saying the beracha, one should shake the lulav, even if he made the
              beracha  [earlier]   before  hallel.   He  should  also  shake  it   every  time  he  says
              ‘hodu’, and during hodu which is said twice at the end of hallel he should shake it
                                                       םדו רשב
              the  Maharil,  but  concedes  that  it  is  not   the Rosh.
              absolutely  required.  Many  acharonim  (Bach,      See above note 40 regarding reciting
              Taz, Gra) however disagree and require one to   the  beracha  before  the  fulfillments  of  the
              remove  them.  Accordingly,  the  Elya  Rabba   mitzva.  As  a  fourth  possible  answer,  Tosfos
              writes that if one forgot, he should shake lulav   suggests  that  although  he  may  have
              again  without  a  beracha.  One  who  has  a   discharged his obligation when he picked the
              bandage  which  cannot  be  removed,  can  be   lulav  up,  he  can  still  recite  the  beracha  since
              lenient (Aruch Hashulchan, Be’er Moshe).     the    mitzva   continues   through    the
                                                           na’anu’im.  This would seem to include those
              51.    Magen  Avraham,  Mishna  Berura.  See   during  hallel.  (See  previous  note.)    Encircling
              however Halichos  Shlomo  that they refer only   the bimah with lulav in hand however, is not
              to shaking the lulav immediately after reciting   an extension of the mitzva of lulav, but rather
              the  beracha.  It  is  evident  from  his  own  note   a  remembrance  of  the  avodah  in  the  Beis
              here that the Chayei Adam understands this to   HaMikdash  where they carried  aravos around
              extend  until  na’anu’im  (wavings)  of  the  lulav   the  mizbayach.    See  however  Bikurei  Yaakov
              during hallel as well.                       who disagrees.

              52.    Chayei Adam’s note:  However from     53.    See Shulchan Aruch O.C. 66:2 that one
              Tosfos (Succah 39a) it sounds like anything   who didn’t have tefillin until the after borchu,
              which [even] enhances the mitzva [can still   may  put  it  on  during  krias  shema  with  a
              qualify as] before fulfilling it and so writes   beracha, between the  berachos or  perakim of

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