Page 369 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 369
םדא םינימ ‘ דו בלול ןיד - ח “ מק ללכ ייח
ןי ִעְּנ ְּעַנ ְּּמ ֶ ׁש ןיִגֲהֹונ ְּו .ג ָּהְּנ ִּמ ַה ן ִמ הֶּנ ַ ׁשְּי ל ֶא ,הֶז ןֶפֹא ְּב םי ִעְּנ ְּעַנ ְּּמ ֶ ׁש ת ֶסֶנ ְּכ ַה תיֵב ְּב אּוה
בָּלּו ּ ל ַה טַע ְּמ ִכ ֶ ׁש ד ַע ַחֹכ ְּב םי ִעְּנ ְּעַנ ְּמ ַה ְּו .ה ָּאָּבֲהַו הָּכָּלֹוה תַע ְּ ׁש ִב בָּלּו ּ ל ַה ל ֶ ׁש ןיִלָּע ֶה
:יִּגַס טַע ְּמ סּו ּכ ְּס ִכ ק ַר תּוע ָּט אּוה ,הֶז י ֵדְּי לַע רָּּב ְּ ׁשִנ
ר ַח ַא ּוּנֶל ְּטִי ,ל ַטָּנ אל ם ִא ֶ ׁש ,ר ֵ ׁשָּּכ םֹוּי ַה לָּכ ְּו .הָּלְּיַּ לַּב אל ְּו םֹוּיַּב בָּלּול תַו ְּצמ ִ ]וט [
.אָּצָּי ,ר ַח ַ ּ ׁש ַה דּו ּמַע הָּלָּע ֶ ּ ׁש ִמ ֹול ָּטְּנ ם ִא ְּו .ה ָּּמ ַח ַה ץֵנ ָּּת ֶ ׁש ד ַע ,ל ּטִי אל הָּּ ל ִח ְּתַכְּלּו .ךָּּכ
יִל ה ֶא ְּרִנ ְּו .הָּכ ָּר ְּב אל ְּב ּוּנֶל ְּּטִי ,םי ִמָּי ר ָּא ְּ ׁש ִב אּוה ם ִא ,תֹו ׁש ָּמ ְּּ ׁש ַה ןיֵּב ד ַע ֹול ָּטְּנ אל ם ִא ְּו
68 : )א"כ ןמיס 'ה ללכ תוכרב תוכלהב ליעלו ב"נרת ס"ר א"מ 'יע( ןֹו ׁשא ִר םֹוי ְּב ןי ִד ַה אּוה ְּד
םדו רשב
could therefore seemingly be lenient, Tosfos 66. As the posuk (Vayikra 23:40)
writes that we are nevertheless stringent commands us to take the four species on the
because the mitzva is very precious. The first day of Succos, implying but not at night.
rishonim also disagree as to whether or not 67. Although day really begins at alos
moving the lulav back and forth itself qualifies ha’shachar, it is difficult for the average person
for na’anui’m (Baal HaItur) or whether one to determine when this is. Therefore, Chazal
must also rattle the leaves (Ran, Rambam, mandated that daytime mitzvos (such as
The Shulchan Aruch writes that the proper shofar, lulav, and megilla) be fulfilled after
sunrise which is a clearly determinable point in
way to do na’anu’im is to stretch out one’s time. Nevertheless, if one fulfilled a daytime
arm and move his wrist back and forth three
times, thereby shaking his lulav. Then, he mitzva earlier, he fulfills his obligation,
provided it was after alos ha’shachar (Mishna
should bring his hand back towards his body Megilla 20b).
and wave it three more times. The Rema,
however, understands that na’anu’im are 68. Chayei Adam’s note: See Magen
accomplished by moving the lulav back and Avraham beginning of 652 and above in
forth and there is no need to wave it after hilchos berachos (vol. 1) 5:24.
extending or retrieving. The Rema also writes The Magen Avraham writes that if one
that one should rattle the lulav as he moves it didn’t have a lulav until bein ha’shemashos
back and forth. Practically speaking, there (the status of which hangs in doubt as to
are many different customs and some even whether or not it is still day), on the first day
incorporate the Shulchan Aruch’s small he should shake it for perhaps he is still
wavings into the Rema’s method in an effort obligated by the Torah. One the other days,
to fulfill all opinions. (See Bikurei Yaakov.) however, he is exempt, since the obligation is