Page 372 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 372
Chayei Adam - K’lal 148 - Laws of Lulav & Daled Minim
]17[ One may return his lulav to water and add water [on yom tov] but he may
not change the water because [it is considered] an effort to repair a utensil. On
chol ha’moed it is a mitzva to change the water so that [his lulav] will remain
moist and beautiful. Many have the custom to take a new set of aravos every
day of chol ha’moed and this is considered an enhancement of the mitzva. 77
]18[ Aravos which were picked on yom tov, whether on the first or second day,
are muktza and may not be moved on that day. Even if he has no other aravos,
and even if it wasn’t harvested for him [they are still forbidden]. Nevertheless,
aravos which were picked on the first day of yom tov may be used on the second,
as we are not concerned that he will instruct a non-Jew to harvest it, because we
don’t suspect that he will sin in order to facilitate a mitzva. If a non-Jew brought
a lulav from outside of the techum Shabbos boundary, since it can be moved, it
may be used [for the mitzva], even if it was brought [specifically] for him. The
only prohibition that exists is to derive benefit and mitzvos aren’t intended for
benefit. [This applies] even if it was brought from more than twelve mil away.
Nevertheless, it may not be moved outside of a four amos radius. The same
םדו רשב
75. The mishna (Succah 42a) teaches that hours or more is considered kavush (pickled)
one can return his lulav to water on yom tov and becomes posul for the mitzva (Beis Yosef,
(i.e. if it was already in water from before yom Chasam Sofer, K’sav Sofer). Accordingly, one
tov) in order for it to retain its freshness, and should be sure to remove it from the water
that he can even add water to the container. before Shabbos since it will not be used then.
On chol ha’moed, he may change the water, Others, recommend asking a non-Jew to
implying that on yom tov, one may not, as it is remove it on Shabbos (since he cannot do so
akin to fixing a utensil. himself as the lulav is muktza on
Shabbos). Others disagree and explain that
76. Based on the mishna, the Mordechai one only need be concerned of submerging
writes that it is a mitzva to store one’s lulav and esrog in water, but not the other species
bundle in water in order to preserve it. This is (Bikurei Yaakov, Chazon Ish, Chaim u’vracha )
cited by the Beis Yosef and in Shulchan Aruch,
he adds that it is a mitzva to change the water 77. Darkei Moshe, Rema. One should be
regularly. It is worth noting that according to cautious not to stuff the aravos into the
several poskim, a lulav, hadasim, or aravos bundle in a way that will cause its leaves or
which are submerged in water for twenty-four those of the hadasim to fall off (Elya Rabba,