Page 365 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 365
םדא םינימ ‘ דו בלול ןיד - ח “ מק ללכ ייח
.הָּו ְּצ ִּמ ַה ן ִמ ן ֵה םי ִעּונ ְּעִנ ַה םַּג ֶ ׁש ,ךָּּכ ר ַח ַא ך ֵרָּב ְּמ ,הָּלי ִטְּנ ַה ם ֶדֹק ך ֵרֵּב אל םא ִ ]אי[
עמשמ 'וכו לבא ה"ד תופסות א"ע ט"ל הכוסב והימו( ׁש ָּד ְּק ִּמַל רֶכֵז אָּּ ל ֶא ֹוני ֵא ְּד ,ןּוּי ִע ךי ִרָּצ הָּפ ָּּ ק ַה ְּו
ר ַח ַאְּל ֹודָּּי ִמ ֹורי ִס ֵה ֶ ׁש ר ַח ַאְּל לָּבֲא . )םש ש"ארה כ"כו ןתיישעל רבוע יוה רחבומה ןמ הוצמ אוהש לכד
:דֹוע ך ֵרָּב ְּמ ֹוני ֵא ,ֹותָּו ְּצ ִמ ר ַמ ְּּג
ך ֵרָּבְּל ר ָּּת ֻמ ,ֹול ּואי ִב ֵה לֵּ ל ַה עַצ ְּמ ֶא ְּבּו בָּלּו ּ ל ַה ֹול ּואי ִב ֵה אל ם ִא ֶ ׁש יִל ה ֶארִנ ְּ ]בי [
:רֹומְּז ִמְּל רֹומְּז ִמ ןיֵּב ּונְּי ַה ְּד םי ִק ָּר ְּּפ ַה ןיֵּב
ןכו ֵ ְּ 1 1 .לֵּ ל ַה ַה תַע ְּ ׁש ִב אּ ֹלש ֶ ׁ 1 4 ויָּלָּע ך ֵרֵּב ֶ ׁש י ִּפ לַע ף ַא ,ך ֵרֵּב ֶ ׁש ר ַח ַאְּל עַנ ְּעַנְּי ]גי [
,םי ִמָּע ְּּפ י ֵּת ְּ ׁש ַעֵנ ְּעַנ ְּמ ֹותֹוא ןיִל ְּפֹו ּכ ֶ ׁש לֵּ ל ַה ףֹוס ְּב ֶ ׁש ּודֹוה ְּבּו ,ּודֹוה לָּכב ְּּ 1 6 עַנ ְּעַנְּי
םדו רשב
[birchos] krias shema. Logic dictates that the Feinstein, Rav Shach, and many others.) Each
same applies to reciting a beracha on his lulav person should follow his own custom. Clearly
during hallel, where the halachos of however, one who has the opportunity to
interruptions is similar. (See Shulchan Aruch fulfill the mitzva of lulav before davening but
O.C. 422:4.) The Mishna Berura cites this ruling won’t be able to later, should do so.
as halacha.
55. Even those who recite the beracha
immediately before hallel, wave their lulav in
54. There are varying customs when to all six directions as described in siman 14
recite a beracha on the lulav. Some do so below and corresponding notes there, before
before shacharis in order to fulfill the words of proceeding with hallel.
the Arizal that one should shake the lulav
inside the succah, and in order to fulfill the 56. According to the medrash, the mitzva
mitzva at the earliest possible time. (This was of lulav is an expression of victory in
the custom of many including R’ Aharon judgement on Rosh Hashana and Yom Kippur.
Kotler, R’ S. Z. Auerbach, and Rav Y. S. In Divrei HaYamim (Alef 15:33) the posuk says
Elyashiv.) Others maintain that as a rule, when that the trees of the forest dance in
faced with two mitzvos, one should perform celebration of this victory. The next posuk
the more frequent one first. Since we daven reads ‘hodo l’Hashem ki tov, ki l’olam chasdo’,
shacharis every day of the year, one should which is the basis for shaking the lulav at this
daven before shaking the lulav which is a point (Tosfos, Beis Yosef). Although there is no
mitzva only one week of the year. (This was explicit directive of a mishna or beraisa to
the custom of the Brisker Rav, R’ Moshe shake lulav after reciting the beracha, the