Page 383 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 383

םדא            בלול ילוספו בלולבש םינימ  ‘ דב םילוספה ןיד  -     ט “ מק ללכ             ייח

               2  ,ה ָּּמ ַּת ה ָּחי ִקְּל ןָּני ִעָּב ְּד תֹורֹוהְּל ," ָּּת ְּח ַקָּל ְּו" בי ִת ְּכ אל ְּו "ם ֶּת ְּח ַקְּלּו" בי ִת ְּכ ִדמ   ִ  ]א[
               3  ,םּול ְּכ ּוּנ ֶּמ ִמ ר ֵס ָּח הֶי ְּהִי אּ ֶ ׁש תּומֵל ְּ ׁש ִב ןי ִמָּו ןי ִמ לָּּכ הֶי ְּהִּי ֶ ׁש )א .םיִניְּנ ִע 'ב לֵלֹו ּכ הֶז ְּו
              ןי ֵא ְּד א ָּטי ִ ׁש ְּפד    ִ ּ  4  ,י ֵר ְּמַגְּל ד ָּח ֶא ןי ִמ ר ֵס ָּח ֶ ׁש ְּכ ןֵּכ ֶ ׁש לָּּכ )ב .ה ָּּמ ַּת ןאָּּכ ןי ֵא ןֵכ אל ם ִא ְּד
              ד ָּח ֶא לָּּכ ל ֶ ׁש ֹורּוע ִ ׁש יַני ִּס ִמ ה ֶ ׁשמְּל הָּכָּלֲה ּול ְּב ִּ ק ֶ ׁש ןָּויֵּכ ע ָּמ ְּ ׁשִנ אָּלי ֵּממּו    ִ  1  .ה ָּּמ ַּת ןאָּּכ
              ֹוא ךָּּכ ר ַח ַא רַס ְּחֶּנ ֶ ׁש ֹוא ֹותָּּי ִר ְּב תַּ ל ִח ְּת ִמ ןיב    ֵּ  6  רּוע ִ ׁש ְּכ ֹו ּב ןי ֵא ם ִא אָּלי ֵּמ ִמ ,ד ָּח ֶא ְּו
              הֶי ְּהִּי ֶ ׁש יּוא ָּר אּוה ֶ ּ ׁש ה ַּמ ִמ ךָּּכ ר ַח ַא ֹוא ֹותָּּי ִר ְּב תַּ ל ִח ְּת ִמ ןיֵּב ןי ִּמ ַה ֹותֹוא הָּּנ ַּת ְּ ׁשִנ ֶ ׁש
              ם ִא הֶז ַה לָּל ְּכַבּו .ןי ִּמ ַה ֹותֹוא ֹול ר ֵס ָּח ןֵּכ ם ִא ְּו ֹוני ֵא ּו ּ ל ִא ְּכ הֶז י ֵרֲה אָּצ ְּמִנ ,ןי ִּמ ַה ֹותֹוא

              רָּב ְּכ ּו ּ ל ִא ְּכ ה ֶמֹו ּד ןֵּכ ם ִא ְּו ,ֹו ּב אֵצֹוּיַכ ְּו ה ָּרָּז ה ָּדֹובֲע ל ֶ ׁש ןֹוג ְּכ הָּפ ֵר ְּשִל ד ֵמֹוע אּוה


              ֹול ר ֵס ָּח ּו ּ ל ִא ְּכ הֶז י ֵרֲהַו ,רּוע ִ ׁש ןאָּּכ ןיאו    ֵ ְּ  7  י ֵמ ָּד ףּור ָּש ְּכ הָּפ ֵר ְּשִל ד ֵמֹוע ָּה לָּכ ְּד ,ף ַר ְּשִנ

                                                                                          :ןי ִּמ ַה ֹותֹוא
              ף ַא ְּד ,לּוא ָּ ׁש י ֵטּוע ְּמל    ִ  8  ,םֶכָּּ ל ֶ ּ ׁש ִמ ר ַמֹול הָּצ ָּר ְּד ל"ַז ֲח ּול ְּב ִק ,"םֶכָּל" בי ִת ְּכ ִדמּו   ִ  ]ב[
                                                 9 :לּוזָּּג ןֵּכ ֶ ׁש לָּכ ְּו ,אָּצָּי אל ,ֹול ֹולי ִא ְּ ׁש ַמ ֹורֵבֲח ֶ ׁש י ִּפ לַע
                                                       םדו רשב
              where  some  of  the  four  species  are  not   lekicha tama )and therefore even if it was fully
              available,  one  should  shake  those  species   developed but then later shrunk, it is likewise
              which are available.                         posul.

              6.     Chazal  give  minimal  measurements   7.     Mishna  (Succah  29b,  32b,  33b,  34b)
              for the size of each of the arba minim. See for   See Shulchan Aruch (O.C. 586:3-4) regarding a
              example,  Succah  34b  where  the  mishna    shofar  used  in  connection  with  avodah  zarah
              teaches  the  minimum  size  of  an  esrog.   and in situations where it must be destroyed it
              However,  from  the  poskim  it  is  clear  that  the   is considered lacking in its minimal size, which
              minimum  size  there  is  an  indication  of  the   certainly applies to the arba minim as well.
              esrog’s development where a small esrog is not
              considered  a  sufficiently  developed  fruit.   8.   Succah 29b. See below, k’lal 152 for a
                                                           discussion about when this applies and how to
              Accordingly,  an  esrog  which  was  fully   make  a  conditional  gift  which  effectively
              developed  but  then  shrunk  should  be  valid,
              yet  the  poskim  seem  to  indicate  otherwise.  allows  one  to  use  another  person’s  arba
                                                           minim and still fulfil his obligation.
              (Bikurei  Yaakov ).  The  Chayei  Adam  here
              explains  that  a  small  esrog  is  considered  an   9.   A  stolen  set  may  also  not  be  used
              incomplete  mitzva  (i.e.  does  not  qualify  as   because  its  mitzva  is  facilitated  by  a  sin.
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