Page 388 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 388
םדא בלול ילוספו בלולבש םינימ ‘ דב םילוספה ןיד - ט “ מק ללכ ייח
HaMikdash all seven days [of Succos]. Everyone agrees, however, that they do
apply [even] for us on the first day. Since [the obligation on] the first day is a
Torah obligation, all of the above criteria apply and invalidate by Torah law. On
the subsequent [six] days of succos, a borrowed [set of the four species] is valid
according to all opinions, as we will explain [in the sections dealing with stolen
and borrowed species] below. Similarly, species which are not whole are also
valid on the subsequent days. All agree that if one of the species is absent or
does not bear its proper name, it is rabbinically invalid all seven days. Species
that are deemed to be lacking in beauty (i.e. are not hadar), is a matter of dispute.
According to most poskim, this rule only applies on the first day. Some poskim
however disagree. Under extenuating circumstances, one may rely on the majority
opinion. There is a further dispute regarding [the status of the four species on]
the second day of yom tov. Some poskim view it with the severity of the first day,
and others contend that it be treated like the rest of Succos. Therefore, one
םדו רשב
note 14). The Raavad concurs with the 22. See previous note. The Ritva takes
Rambam’s approach except that he takes issue with the above approaches and offers
exception to permitting using a stolen lulav that with the exception of the first day none of
since it is a mitzva facilitated by sin. He also these criteria apply, since we only shake lulav
disallows use of them if they are dry, because by rabbinic enactment. In the Beis HaMikdash,
they are considered dead and the dead cannot however, every single one of these halachos
praise Hashem (as above, note 20). Tosfos apply to the Torah’s requirement to take the
however, explains that since the mitzva on arba minim on all seven days. The requirement
chol ha’moed is only a remembrance of the that one owns them as his own however, does
mitzva in the Beis HaMikdash, Chazal not apply. See however Tosfos (Succcah 43b)
mandated that one take the four species, but who explains that on Hoshana Rabah, one
did not require any of the other criteria, with need not own his bundle of aravos, implying
the exception of hadar, in order to beautify that the same cannot be said of his set of arba
the mitzva. Practically, while the Shulchan minim. See also Aruch La’Ner who
Aruch codifies the Rambam’s opinion as understands the Rambam’s opinion (see
halacha, the Rema rules stringently, in line with previous note) to apply to the Beis HaMikdash
the opinion of Tosfos. as well, meaning that although the Torah