Page 390 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 390
Chayei Adam - K’lal 149 - Pesulim of Daled Minim & Pesulim of the Lulav
all seven days, since the Torah does not state explicitly that they should be
beautiful. The esrog, however, which the Torah calls “hadar” must be hadar
throughout Succos. One should therefore conduct himself according to the
necessity of the times. See Chacham Tzvi 34 who writes that under extenuating
circumstances one may even recite a beracha on an esrog that is not whole, and of
course over one that is [merely] missing its stem.
]7[ It appears to me that [these leniencies of] extenuating circumstances refer to
a case where there is not a single set of kosher arba minim in the entire city. If,
however, one person in the city has a kosher set, it is not considered to be a case
of extenuating circumstances and one should recite the beracha over his friend’s
set, and use his own set for the na’anu’im, if he cannot use his friend’s [for the
na’anu’im]. However, if his lulav is dry, but not completely dry and his friend’s lulav
is moist, but not completely moist, he should use his own [lulav]. However, if his is
not completely moist but not dry, and his friend’s is completely moist, he should
use his friend’s [lulav] for the beracha. If he didn’t he should shake [his friend’s
lulav] later without a beracha. However, if his is completely dry and his friend’s is
completely moist, he should shake his friend’s lulav with another beracha. If his
[lulav] is kosher according to every opinion but is just not as beautiful as his friend’s
[lulav], he should use his own [lulav]. If all four species are not available in the
entire city, one should take and shake the two or three species available and shake
all the na’anuim, and so should the chazan, but [nobody] should recite a
beracha. It is however forbidden to take a single [one of the four] species lest he
come to err in other years, which is not a concern if he uses two or three of them
since everyone knows that four species are required. 39
םדו רשב
33. See note 31 above. Some write that broke off, he explains that if nothing else is
lulav automatically includes the hadasim and available, it is considered hadar, even on the
aravos which are held together with it.דכ first day. This is especially true since some
rishonim hold that this is not considered posul
34. Responsa 9. There, the Chacham at all. Although normative halacha does not
Tzvi discusses the opinion of the Rosh (above necessarily follow this approach on the first
note 32) that the Torah gave the Chachamim day of Succos, the Chayei Adam cites this
the power to determine what qualifies as opinion to demonstrate that there is room for
hadar. Focusing on an esrog whose stem greater leniency under extenuating