Page 392 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 392
Chayei Adam - K’lal 149 - Pesulim of Daled Minim & Pesulim of the Lulav
should [take them] without reciting a beracha. The reason for [these differences]
is that regarding the mitzva of “taking” [the arba minim on the other days of
Succos], Chazal required that one take all four of them, throughout
Succos. However since borrowed [species] or ones that are missing a chunk, is
not an intrinsic invalidation, Chazal did not include them [as invalidating criteria].
Regarding “hadar”, the beauty of the mitzva, the poskim disagree. Regarding
“mitzva ha’aba ba’aveira”, since this is something that is very stringent, as we see
that it applies to all mitzvos, the halacha follows [the opinions who say] that it is
posul the entire Succos. Regarding a dry lulav, some contend that even those
who do not require [the rest or the arba minim to be] hadar throughout Succos,
nevertheless, maintain that a dry [lulav] is posul the entire Succos since “the dead
cannot praise Hashem”. Some say that under extenuating circumstances, one
may recite a beracha on a dry lulav. Some say that [this leniency] applies to all
four species; in extremely difficult circumstances, Chazal decreed that they are
valid, and even on the first day when all agree that [all of] the arba minim must
be hadar, Chazal classified these [dry species] as hadar. Although under ordinary
circumstances they are completely posul; in case of great necessity, Chazal
deemed them to be kosher to the extent that a beracha may be recited over
them. Others maintain that the lulav, hadasim, and aravos need not be hadar on
םדו רשב
27. Although this is true on the first day 29. See above note 14 regarding a stolen
of yom tov as well, then he is required to make lulav.
an extra effort to obtain another set in order
to properly fulfill his Torah obligation. (R’ 30. Raavad. The Taz also rules this way,
although he contends that a lulav which is
Akiva Eiger, Shu”t Pnei Yehoshua). (The Aruch otherwise not hadar (i.e. for a different
Hashulchan however writes that the custom is
to be lenient and treat the second day of yom reason), may be used (as above, note 25).
tov like chol ha’moed. See also Bikurei 31. See below, siman 15 regarding when a
Yaakov. ) lulav is disqualified as being too dry. A beraisa
(Succah 31a) teaches that although one may
28. Therefore, if one of the species is use arba minim which are wilted, he may not
completely missing, or if it measures less than use them if they are dried out. R’ Yehuda
the minimum required size, one cannot recite there, however disagreed and as proof, cited
a beracha. (See above, note 15.) the custom of some communities who would