Page 379 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 379
םדא םינימ ‘ דו בלול ןיד - ח “ מק ללכ ייח
לי ֵעְּל ִד ְּכ ֹומֹוק ְּמּו ֹופּוּג ך ֶרֹצְּל ּו ּ ל ִפֲא תָּּב ַ ׁש ְּב ל ֵטְּל ַטְּל רּוס ָּא בָּלּו ּ ל ַה לָּבֲא .ס ַדֲהַו
,בֹוט םֹוי ב ֶר ֶע ֵמ ֹו ּב חָּּנ ֻמ הָּי ָּה ֶ ׁש ןי ִכֹו ּמ ַה ךֹות ְּב גֹור ְּת ֶא ָּה ן ֵּתִל ר ָּּת ֻמּו .תָּּב ַ ׁש תֹוכְּל ִה ְּב
א ָּחי ֵר דיִלֹומ ְּד םּו ּ ׁש ִמ ,דֶגֶב ְּב ֹוא םי ִר ֵחֲא ןי ִכֹומ ְּב ן ֵּתִי אל לָּבֲא . ַחי ֵר ָּה טַל ָּק רָּב ְּכ ֶ ׁש
: ּהי ֵ ׁשי ֵר קי ִס ְּּפ יֵוֲה םֹוק ָּמ לָּּכ ִמ ,ןֵוַכ ְּמ ֹוני ֵא ְּד בַּג לַע ף ַא ְּו .אָּנ ְּמ ןּו ּ ק ִת ְּכ יֵוֲהַו ,דֶגֶב ְּב
םדו רשב
98. The Rema warns that one shouldn’t who are lenient where his intent is not to
place his esrog on an item of clothing or other impart a scent. If the fabric already picked up
material on yom tov as this will impart a scent the scent of the esrog before yom tov, he may
into the fabric which is a violation of a rabbinic return it to it. Although this may strengthen
ban against making new things. See however the scent, it is permitted, just as one may rub
Mishna Berura who writes that in case of spices on Shabbos to release their scent. (See
necessity, one can rely on the Maamar Shulchan Aruch O.C. 322:5. Magen Avraham.)
Mordechai, Shulchan Aruch HaRav, and others,