Page 79 - Chayei Adam LAYOUT sivan 5782
P. 79

םדא                ןהב בייחש ימו תוכרבהו תועיקתה ןיד  -     א “ מק ללכ            ייח

               1  ."הָּעּור ְּת םֹוי"     ]א,טכ רבדמב[   ר ַמֱאֶּנ ֶ ׁש ,הָּלְּיַּ לַּב אל ְּו םֹוּיַּב ,רָּפֹו ׁש תַעי ִק ְּת ןמז   ַ ְּ  ]א[
              רָּפֹו ׁש ֹול הָּי ָּה אל ם ִא םֹוק ָּמ לָּּכמּו    ִ  2  .הָּלְּיַּ ל ַה ד ַע ךָּלי ֵא ְּו ה ָּּמ ַח ַה ץֵנ ָּה תַע ְּּ ׁש ִמ  ּה ָּתָּו ְּצ ִמּו
              הָּלָּע ֶ ּ ׁש ִמ ע ַק ָּּת ם ִא דַבֲעי ִד ְּבּו .הָּכ ָּר ְּב אל ְּב ַע ֵקֹות    ּ  3  ,תֹו ׁש ָּמ ְּּ ׁש ַה ןיֵּב ֹול ּואי ִב ֵה ְּו םֹוּיַּב
                                                                                 :אָּצָּי   4 ,ר ַח ַ ּ ׁש ַה דּו ּמַע
              'ד ּוּנ ֶרי ִבֲעַי א ָּּמש    ֶ ׁ  67   ּורזָּּג    ְּ  6  םי ִמָּכ ֲחד    ַּ  1  ,ןי ִע ְּקֹו ּת ןי ֵא ,תָּּב ַ ׁש ְּב הָּנ ָּ ּ ׁש ַה  ׁשאר ל ָּח ֶשכ   ׁ ְּּ  ]ב[
              בֹוט םֹויבּו    ְּ  9  .ֹומֹוק ְּמּו ֹופּוּג ך ֶרֹצְּל אל ם ִא ל ֵטְּל ַטְּל רּוסאו    ָּ ְּ  8      .םי ִב ַר ָּה תּו ׁש ְּר ִב תֹו ּמ ַא
                                       11 :ר ָּּת ֻמ ,לּוטְּל ִט ְּב לָּבֲא .ֹותָּו ְּצ ִמְּל הָּצ ְּק ֻה ְּד ,ֹו ּב  ׁש ֵּמ ַּת ְּ ׁש ִהְּל רּוס ָּא
                                                       םדו רשב
              shofar  in  his  own  beis  din  on  Shabbos,  the   blow shofar on Shabbos if it is in fact blown in
              halacha   follows   most   rishonim   who    beis din. (Rabeinu Efraim, Baal HaMaor)
              understand  that  it  is  only  blown  in  a  ‘small’
              sanhedrin of 23 judges (Ran) or at least a beis   8.   In  order  to  prevent  transgression,
              din  of  judges  who  have  received  semicha  in   Chazal  were  given  the  power  to  suspend
              Eretz Yisroel (Rambam), neither of which apply   Torah obligations such as shofar and lulav. For
              today.                                       the  same  reason,  Chazal  forbade  reading
                                                           Megilla  on  Shabbos.     They  however  did  not
              7.     A beraisa (Rosh Hashana 33a) teaches   include bris milah, because others who are not
              that  ‘one  should  encourage  the  children  to   preoccupied  with  the  mitzva  would  remind
              blow shofar even on Shabbos, but he shouldn’t   him (Ran) and nor did they ban blowing shofar
              stop  them’.  The  latter  part  of  this  statement   on yom tov lest one come to repair it (as is the
              implies  that  one  should  not  encourage   case with other musical instruments) because
              children to blow, and so the gemara explains   that would completely uproot the mitzva. (Taz,
              that there is a difference between a child who   Magen Avraham)
              has reached the age of chinuch (i.e. to educate
              him and prepare him to do mitzvos) and one   9.     Like  any  utensil  whose  function  is  a
              who has not.  Rashi explains that once he has   prohibited activity. See Chayei Adam 65:4 and
              reached  this  age,  one  should  encourage  him   Shulchan Aruch O.C. 308:3
              to blow, but not before. Others (Ri,  Rambam)
              however disagree; since we don’t blow shofar   10.   Something designated for a mitzva is
              on Shabbos, why should one encourage a child   considered muktza for the sake of a mitzva in
              who has reached this age?  However, from the   that it may not be used for anything else, even
              Yerushalmi it seems that children should only   if  it  is  not  Shabbos  (such  as  using  the

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